Nightmare Incursions killed the world

Because everyone wants to lvl fast trying something fun and new. You got way more xp/ gold and you didn’t have to spam dungs. In my opinion it’s way better experience.

sod isent classic, we already did slow and boring leveling through unrewarding quests and dungeons with gear that outdates in 8 levels

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Blizzard lowering the bar every day. You let a bunch of sweats and streamers swell up on gold again. Then nerfed it just in time for the weekend when everyone else can play. I’m starting to think blizzard own the bots and are the ones selling the gold. Because that seems like it’s want they want. This will have done nothing but cause a bunch of people that couldn’t do this, to buy gold.


I haven’t loged into Retail for years, what a shameful take just to justify bad SoD content.


This event wears it’s name good: NIGHTMARE

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Because I definitely wanted to go kill pirates in Tanaris for the 50000th time in the last 20 years.


Exhibit #62,478 that people will complain about anything.


they did not nerf the gold. the gold goes down as you level. it drops at 45 and then at 47 and again at 49… 5g then 2g then 1.5g…

The amount of gold and xp for the unnerfed incursions was dumb, but man a lot of you are getting way too bent out of shape about it lol. Not to mention, I’m guessing many of you would have been quite happy about it if you’d had the time to pewpsock it yesterday. Many of the complaints sound more like sour grapes than anything else.

I wager there’s a lot of people who missed it, and the people who hit 50 and got loaded up with gold are in the minority. Everyone else will still be able to find leveling groups, and gold is easily made in SoD even outside incursions.

So instead of everyone being in dungeons, everyone is in one zone questing? I’m not saying it was a good idea, but SoD hasn’t exactly been “the classic experience” since they started caving to the crybabies shortly after launch.

You play Classic?

You play Retail.

You’re playing SoD, aren’t you?

The world is old. I don’t want to do the same quest again. I want new content and to be max level fast for that content. This is SOD. Leveling is still painful so any option over questing and you don’t have to get boosted where you are actually maybe having fun that is welcomed.

There are but any option to not do dungeons again is welcomed. If I never have to do dungeons or Raid again I’d be happy.

Why do you want to be max level fast? So you can complain that there is nothing to do ?

You said if you never had to dungeon or raid again, you’d be happy… So why play the game then ?


I’m going to start upfront by saying I haven’t done them yet but my plan is to enjoy them fully.

I’m on an AU server so the time difference for me means that everyone was discovering the incursions were 100% OP with rewards while I was asleep after grinding 4 hrs of ula (I got 3 levels so hey).

But this lends itself to what you’re saying. People who played have a massive advantage. We already almost have enough people for ST in a guild of less than 30 active members any given moment.

I honestly felt like if there was any intelligent design behind this, I shouldn’t have to choose between dungeons, quests or world event based on which is most time/XP efficient.

Like I wanted to do them but now I want to do it less because it’s THE thing to do and everything else is a waste of time.

I don’t like that vibe so I hope they make Ulda and ZF viable again. Like c’mon. Nobody wants to do dungeons at all and it’s like wow


No one is making you do Incursions. FOMO, efficiency, “I MUST” do this or I am behind are all in your head.

The worst part is they aren’t temporary or for a small level segment or daily, they are seemingly how you level from 25-50+ for the remainder of SoD. Hope you enjoy clicking on a night elf and asking for their intel report, because that’s the future of leveling (unless you want to pass up free xp/gold/rep)


retail skum 100%

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The incursion event is so incredibly lazy and disgustingly boring I cant see how this game survives to 60.


The more I think about it, the more insane it is to me how stupid the dev team is. Literally all you had to do was increase quest XP by 50% to make it even with dungeon grinding, and maybe add some new quests in the world. That’s actually in the spirit of classic.

With incursions, you might as well just people a free lvl 50 +300g and be done with it.