Nightfall - Melee Hunter vs Ret Paladin

But does seal twisting work?

we still don’t know yet - will have to wait until Classic launches

TLDR - Seal Twisting was in the game ever since patch 1.11 when SoC gained its 0.5 sec delay but wasn’t actually discovered until TBC so we have no Vanilla era evidence upon which to examine and report on.

Overtuned?! LOL NO! You do realize that Light’s Hope had Naxx cleared just over 2 hours after it was released right? Those guys did know pretty much every little trick and were nearly perfect, but you should NOT be able to clear it that quickly on the first week if at all. Also don’t blame it on world buffs because those were disabled in Naxx when it was released.

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I’ve heard you rant about it for five years, I’m aware.

lol didn’t notice the toon name :stuck_out_tongue:

From WOTLK onwards 2H became less viable thanks to Lava Lash and from MoP onwards you couldn’t use Stormstrike with a 2H. Look at this toon, It has a 2H equipped.

Completely true but it’s a basis for a very accurate baseline proc rate and can establish accurate data on such based off of “real world data”. You can also gimmick things like flurry with haste gear and mimic proc rates with the ability to use more or less abilities.

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I still wouldn’t fully trust it, but being as Nightfall still has the “chance to fail against targets higher than level 60” thing I wouldn’t be surprised if they never bothered changing the proc rate on it. There wouldn’t be a need to, since Blizzard started becoming hyper focused on max level only in TBC.

The only thing we have to go on now is a very old archived comment from a player stating it was 2 PPM.

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This toon is level 60.

I’ve got a level 60 Warrior too, though I only mention that limit because with it they probably didn’t think about bothering to change how the proc work as it doesn’t affect max level content.

It’s more a matter of getting the item. Nightfall isn’t super cheap on the AH =P

are the mats to craft it still even available?

Requires [Lava Core] (8), [Fiery Core], [Arcanite Bar] (10), [Dark Iron Bar] (12), [Huge Emerald] (4)

I don’t know what the % chance miss rate is on Modern WoW but I noticed that they changed how NPC avoidance works…

Glancing blows, misses, etc… It’s very different.

Could still be tested so long as the proc rate was not adjusted, but that information would need to be taken with a grain of salt because of that change in how hit chance mechanics have been changed.

Actually I think they might be.

As far as I know it’s all still available. I know that the cores still drop in Molten Core.

and if nothing else, I have old characters that have recipes for Arcanite and Dark Iron still.

well if you guys wanna craft it and test it on some target dummies then go nuts - just take the results with a grain of salt if there are glaring differences

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I’m inclined to say that any data about Nightfall’s proc should be taken with a gain of salt.

Our only options at the moment are a live server that could have changed decades ago, or a private server based off an archived comment from a player that may or may not have known what they’re talking about.

We’re really not going to have any certainty until Blizzard either tells us what it is, or releases Classic.

My guild had a Ret do this back in the day, and it worked great. The extra blessing, aura, and utility provided IMO would outstrip a little more uptime from an otherwise worthless melee hunter.

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The hit/miss chance has been removed but you would be going into a raid hit capped and you still get procs from glancing hits.

For sure, I was thinking just afk auto log on a dummy.

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i didn’t realize that shaman could still use 2h weapons on retail lol

Someone’s gotta share those sweet 2-hander spell maces with pallies and druids.

OK took me the better part of 3 days to cap mining,blacksmithing,get exalted with TB and find someone to transmute the arcanite I needed.

Logging as I type, will let it white swing till destruction then post the logs.

28 min test, 18% haste, no lust,no used GCD’s,Level 60 training dummy
NIghtfall uptime 0%.
Looks like it be completely broken on live servers.