Nightfall - Melee Hunter vs Ret Paladin

Wow, that’s ridiculous. Did they totally eliminate the proc all together? Was the dummy a “boss” dummy for 60 or true 60 NPC analog?

I only ask because maybe the ?? Boss level has something to do with old mechanics being active / inactive.

lol well that settles that

A+ for effort though my friend

Lol all these people theory crafting a weapon and all I want to do is just play classic and actually make wow relationships again. Give it to the pally to many other things the Hunter can use to be near as good. I’d imagine being a melee Hunter would be boring as hell in classic

Not sure why any one would play melee as a hunter when you have access to GUNS!

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It was the raiders training dummy which is a lvl 60 for anyone sub 120. I can’t say for certain whether or not it was completely eliminated but after 28 mins white swinging I can safely say it’s possible.

www.warcraftlogs dot com/reports/XJBPTK4AYwr2nGQV/

Maybe I missed it?Replace the dot with a .

Personally I’m gonna have a Hunter alt just to hear that sexy old school gun sound that doesn’t sound like a damn BB gun like modern WoW.

It’s not even BB gun good, it’s more like fufft… it’s so anemic and helpless… so anti-hunter… DAMN YOU BLIZZARD DAMN YOU!

Do they have a PVE dummy for level 60 non-raid boss types? That could make a difference.

They do, Just by a quick eyeball couple of minute test there was no procs. Going to see if i can make it into theramoor to test it on the level 1 dummies that I vaguely remember being in there.

It’s either broken or has some strange level cap BS added.

No way im goign to be able to hit the level 1 dummies in theramoor consistantly enough to actually test it. I did mug a few level 60 spiders along the way though and it did proc within 5-8 seconds. I need to find somewhere that’s densely packed with of level mobs. Might log a dungeon and see whether or not thats a more viable testing method.

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you can post links here bud - simply click the “preformatted text” button in the text box window

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So looks like it’s a level cap thing or a ?? Boss level thing… Some funky disable mechanism in place to prevent a proc on certain mobs.

So what you’re saying is, as a BM Hunter, I could actually have a key role in the raid besides Tranq? Sign me up for that Wingclip, baby!

I wouldn’t even mind. Fighting next to my pet for a change while keeping a particular debuff up sounds at least a little more thrilling than spamming Frostbolt all day (Mage is my second choice of main).

OK just going off what I saw it does seem to proc in dungeons and on dungeon bosses… blizz have really messed this up.

Can one of you link specific points where the debuff is visible in logs?
Just checked the replays and came up with the following.
Spitelash- 2 procs 1:04
7 Dwarves- 4 procs 3:18
Magmus 4 procs- 1:15
Emperor- 4 procs 2:16

My theory on it as is follows.
The training dummies have an invisible level (which will be cap) and while the actual level of it is 60 they’re calculating the proc penalty at the level 120 bracket.

I would murder to actually get into a raid and test it properly but a few issues occur.
-Raid scaling is really out of whack right now.
-Getting carried by a 110 is problematic in that they can’t generate enough threat without killing the boss.
-It would need to be a boss with no adds, no aoe damage and no incidental ways of murdering a level 60.
-It would take a huge amount of time to whale it to death using purely white swings and windfury.While I’m fine with beating it to death slowly, I’m reluctant to use that amount of someone elses time to come up with potentially flawed data.

yea don’t waste any more time on testing Nightfall on live retail - most likely Blizzard completely removed the proc from the weapon entirely - either way it would be flawed data in the end anyway

kudos for trying though man!

Agreed but I semi disagree with the data being completely flawed.I think that Nightfall is actually better than private server data says it is as it was running at more than 2ppm from the tests I performed.

The 7 dwarves were literally the only fight I tested that had less than 2ppm and I suspect I actually got an extra proc or two on the last dudes adds and the same would go for spitelash.

I would love to see the actual numbers of personal damage vs raid damage gained with a slightly higher uptime.

And on a personal note it was actually alot more fun working towards something and having a clear goal that ended in a neat reward.I might have done it substantially faster than I could have 13 years ago but it seemed mroe productive than just waiting on breaths/sanguicells or chain farming M+ and praying to rnjesus.

FYI everyone - Kevin Jordan Speaks!!! Paladins and Hunters etc

i’ll be in on the interview with the original Vanilla WoW class/spec designer for all classes

I know it’s a bit late for this, but I wield nightfall in classic atm, and I parse higher than rets/enhance. (I should add that I am horde though, windfury is huge) also I have a gear set tailored to it rather than just using tier gear completely. I regularly do 400-450 dps in bwl/mc and 5-600 dps in zg.

You don’t say? “1 year later” That guy doesn’t even use the forum anymore it looks like.

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