Nightborne: Still in Need of Improvement

/laughs in Tauren

Don’t expect Blizzard to make any baseline improvements. Tauren have needed baseline customization parity with other vanilla races for over fifteen years. They still don’t think having only 4 face options for a vanilla race is a problem. In 2020.

They literally could have just released 1 face option for NB with the narrowed NPC-style eyes and lots of currently unhappy folks, myself included, would be fine. But nope, NB faces look nothing like the NPCs and apparently they thought that was fine to implement. :woman_shrugging:

Tauren mouths mysteriously became harelipped with the WoD model revamp and they have done zero to acknowledge the many player complaints about that, so don’t expect them to acknowledge NB prune face. :older_adult: :older_man: :older_woman:

The issues with the playable Nightborne model go far beyond merely lacking options. Tauren may lack a variety of options, but you at least look the part. The same with Highmountain Tauren. They can add embellishments through customization options to both of those races, but embellishments won’t save the Nightborne model.

Either way, here’s to staying ugly! Cheers. :older_woman: :wine_glass: :wine_glass: :cow:


This character was born a Nightborne and even the gorgeous Heritage Armor couldn’t make up for the Botoxed Wine Mom face. When Vulpera came out I immediately live, laugh, loved my way to the race change screen.

They are currently set up to have worse customization options than female Tauren. An elf race with worse customizations than the moo girls that a dozen people play (not hating on female Tauren, my healer main is one, just an observation since elves of any kind usually get ALL the love and less “pretty” races get shafted).

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I thought about rerolling to a night borne this morning and I hated all of the customization options. They need a lot of love, and I hope blizzard does more than one eye color and earrings. They need new hairstyles and a new stance. Make them stand more like night elves do or something.

I tried out a nightborne once.
Never again.

They’re just so god damn ugly.

I really can’t believe they released them in that state.
I really can’t believe they refuse to acknowledge how horrid they are.
I really can’t believe they prioritised body jewellery that any normal mog will cover up for core races in shadowlands over fixing their mess.

I fear blizzard are sat there patting themselves on the back for a job well done over nightborne.

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its pretty amazing how the change in eye shape improves the face immensely

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THIS is the allied race that NEEDS it. They NEED more customization. Like desperately.


Normally there’s at least one person that enters a thread like this and says something along the lines of, “I actually like my Nightborne.” There’s not a single one of those.


I was really excited to play a nightborne. After seeing the atrocious model, I lost interest. I understand they had little time and resources to develop them at the time, but we’ve seen they can put in the work with Kul tirans.

Please give us the legion npc model, it looks much better.


No one wants to play a mouldy potato race.


All Allied Races should be of the Zandalari/Kul’tiran level in terms of quality.

The first batch of Allied Races are for the most part lackluster/uninspired, but the Nightbore are most notable in that regard. Where did the effort in development go? The devs were using existing models to work off of and this is what they turn out?


It will be 2021 in a few short days, Blizzard.

Nightborne still look… Underdeveloped. And that’s the nice way of saying it. Like everybody else, I’m mystified at the differences between the NPCs and the player models. Every female face model looks like a 60 year old try-hard cougar and the three skin tones don’t help. The stick-up-their-butt stance isn’t flattering either.

It’s obvious that the Nightborne are a rushed product, but after the effort you put into their story (and the effort it took us all to unlock them), the disappointment is palatable. Then again, I’m not sure why I have these expectations since it took you until WotLK to simply offer expanded hair styles of modules you had already developed. Shadowlands was just released, and /crickets.

Stop being so damn lazy, Blizzard.
Two years ago. Reddit–“we never got nightborne we got their ugly cousins.”

Sorry, but my favorite quote: “We joked about Nightfallen being Methelves. As a reward we got actual Methelves.”


What about Allied Race customizations?

For the initial release of Shadowlands, the focus is on the original races. Character customizations is an ongoing project and they’re never completely done. - Wowhead

A lot of people take this quote to suggest that there are customizations planned for Allied Races in Shadowlands, but that’s really not the case, at least judging by the wording of that statement. Of course character customization is an ongoing project - it takes them years to implement even the slightest of changes because the developers move at a snail’s pace.

Regardless, the changes needed to make the identity of the Nightborne whole through their playable model goes far beyond a few cosmetic customizations, which is why I don’t think Blizzard will even labor an effort into improving them.

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Aw, I missed the three year anniversary for the release of the Nightborne.

Can you believe it’s been three years since the Nightborne’s model has gone untouched and the issues with it completely unacknowledged by the developers?

Shame on you, Blizzard.


I wish they could fix our walk and our jump it just looks so awkward

They’re not going to. I honestly don’t know why I ever thought otherwise. The developers showed just how little they cared in releasing the Nightborne in the state they’re in.

The playerbase was excited at the prospect of receiving playable Nightborne during Legion, but look what Blizzard’s shoddy model work has done: nobody plays Nightborne, and because nobody plays Nightborne, they aren’t going to invest in improving the model of a race so few people care about.

Shame on you, Blizzard for squandering the Nightborne in this way and not caring enough to fix the trash you released.

Listen, I like Nightborne and hope they get fixed. However, I’ll still never forgive Ion or Blizzard for making me experience that zone and storyline just to have them handed off to the Horde under fanfic tier lore reasons

It’s unacceptable. They should have been a neutral race like Pandaren with two splinter factions.

Yeah this dev team is pretty lazy its borderline disgusting. The assets are literally in game but they don’t care and the passion is gone.

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I… kind of agree.

For what it’s worth, they tried to join the alliance first, but Tyrande said no.
Horde was kind of the only other option.

So… thank you for our immortal army of arcane powerhouses… I guess?

PS - We will trade you Vulperas for any other race.