Nightborne: Still in Need of Improvement

Oh, boo-hoo. You got Void Elves in the trade off, who, although have the worst lore in the history of this game, have been favored by the developers for customization options where others are ignored, simply due to the popularity of the Blood Elf model.

That always seemed wierd to me.
Why put the void people and the lightforged people on the same team?

Tyrande is a poorly written, horses behind of a character and it was almost like they deliberately ham-fisted poor dialogue to force the Nightborne into the horde.

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I’m certain the Void Elves are an attempt by the developers to boost the population for the Alliance. It’s not at all clever, either: take the most popular Horde race in the history of the game long sought after by the Alliance, copy/paste it over to the Alliance with the barest of changes and lore justification, and maybe you’ll see a rise in playership on the Alliance.

Oh, and let’s blur the line between Blood Elf and Void Elf in Shadowlands even further to the point where they’re practically identical. That’ll get the Alliance players excited.

Listen Pal, nobody ever wanted Void Elves or the stupid story that came behind them. Even Lightforged should have been a cosmetic option for Draenai.

We wanted High Elves and a cool, unique race. But we got fat people and diaper trash gnomes in BFA while you got cool new Trolls.

As far as customization in the game, blame the developers for their laziness. Don’t get mad at me for pointing out the fact that their lore sucks and the developers should have made them a neutral race.

Hell, if Nightborne were neutral, more people would play them and you’d have a better chance of getting this awful Actiblizz abomination to do something about it.

Yeah I just don’t get how Void Elves have like 80 skin and eye color options and Nightborn have like 2. I mean I agree its only bc of the popularity of the BE model but it is extremely underwhelming. Even like 4 new hairstyles would be huge. Some actual face options. The ability to have the metal ornamentation on the ears be gold or silver like BE. A run that doesn’t look like Nightborne are carrying weights on their ankles.

Its odd because on the one hand you have the beautiful and super interesting new zones in SL. You can see the love of art and design that makes playing WoW so visually appealing. However the extreme lack of customization (and late addition of customization) is one of the many reasons WoW is dying. I’ll hold out hope for Nightborne customizations but tbh it is pretty embarrassing.

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I’d also like to point out that the Nightborne racials are absolutely abysmal, and are among the worst in the game.

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It’s actually very much in lore for the Kaldorei not to accept the Nightborne as kin. Only just recently were the magic using Highborne (Shen’dralar) admitted into Night Elf society after they had been exiled, pushed to inhabiting ruins to become the playthings of demons, nearly being wiped out. It was only after their population had become sparse that the last remaining Highborne were reluctantly admitted into the Night Elf fold.

Suramar is a snapshot of Highborne society preserved for 10,000 years since the War of the Ancients. Flourishing. Still very much influenced by magic. All of these things are anathema to Night Elves. It would’ve never worked between the NB and NE.

You know what I was really upset after all that rep farming end of legion in suramar , only to be memed hard when they came out . Their eyes were not right they were so half done basically a reskinned night elf . Not anything like I thought we would have gotten . Their herritage armor is disappointing too nothing super sparkly like how the raid bosses armor was like .The weapons also like where the heck are the cool spacey weapons at ? That was what I was most looking forward to aswell . SMH

IMO though it is poor writing because isn’t it possible that there are some Kaldorei that are related to the Shaldorei? I mean yeah there was 10k years but for elves that are semi-immortal that isn’t really much. I think that the need for faction disputes messed the whole story up. How is it possible Tyrande could accept the Shendralar but not the Highborne? There were NE mages playing around with demons in Dire Maul.

Nobody cares what Kaldorei think in the Alliance, be real. Humans and Worgens run this show.

Yeah it was sloppy writing with it all.

I’m glad we have them on horde… but, yeah.
-There are probably living Nelfs with living Nightborne family.
-Suramar is Tyrande’s hometown. She probably knows most of them personally.
-Tyrande didn’t want them to join in case thalyssra became a new elisande or azshara… so she pushed them away to definitely join her actual enemies. WHAT?
-Why did the nightborne seemingly forget that the alliance helped them during legion? I mean… from half the playerbases point of view the alliance basically saved the race from extinction. I guess that’s retconned now? Or did the nightborne just forget?

Right now Nelfs with black skin can make better looking nightborne than the actual nightborne…

Kind of an afterthought… but did none of the Nightborne join Dalaran?

I mean… he’s not wrong.

I mean, in the Nightborne quest series, they made it sound like they would have gladly joined the Alliance, but Tyrande literally left them no chance to do so; She wouldn’t have it and she was far too mistrustful and scrutinizing of the Nightborne, especially of Thalyssra herself.

With no other options, she went to the Blood Elves and found a certain level of kinship with them that was missing from their ‘delegations’ to the Night Elves, and found enough common ground to ally to the Horde with–through the Blood Elves.

So, tl;dr: Thank Tyrande for the Nightborne going Horde.

This graph has made its rounds on Reddit and on the forums, but I’m going to post it here just to make it known far and wide the level of neglect and disregard the Nightborne player model has been treated with since its release 3 years ago. The race players were so excited to unlock after questing through Suramar and falling in love with the characters of that storyline DEAD LAST in terms of possible customization.

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Liadrin through her experiences in Suramar, vouched for the Nightborne as potential allies for the Horde. Tyrande would have never done the same.

If the NB and NEs were on the same faction, they’d constantly be at odds with another and would butt heads. It just wouldn’t work.

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