I was stoked about NB release. Was ready to roll one but Blizz royally shafted the models after seeing all the NB npcs in legion
Still salty over it
I was stoked about NB release. Was ready to roll one but Blizz royally shafted the models after seeing all the NB npcs in legion
Still salty over it
Same TBH, I leveled one to obtain the heritage armour but I barely touch it. Just waiting for the day they fix them.
Thalyssra in the Suramar cinematic; this would be a good place to start for the female Nightborne. Not a wrinkle in sight.
Obviously this isn’t a player model, but that’s definitely the direction I’d like for the female Nightborne to go, at least.
I gave up and always wear a hood now.
We’re switching to horde for SL and I want to play a Nightborne so bad… I just can’t get over the male casting animation and run style.
Oh my god, I thought my NB girl had it bad. Ewwww
I’m not sure if it’s my imgur being goofy because it wants to be an app or not, but I’m only seeing 3 pictures of the hair colors I believe they already have. Anybody got T3 so I can see them?
Thank you very much, I appreciate it!
Edit: Those additional hair colors are stunning, I’d love to see them implemented. Being people concerned with class status I’d have figured I’d see more outlandish styles ala Mockingbird. Bored high class people with really weird, colorful, crazy options.
This comparison really brings out the difference. The NPCs look noble and the playable…well…not so much.
OP, I’m not sure why you don’t like how every NightBorne looks exactly the same.
If the “new” Forsaken options are any indicator of things to come, Blizzard will sit on customization options for years, and eventually release the “new” options as a key feature of an expansion. All the while, those options will be represented in game on NPC’s, while you aren’t able to get those customization options yourself.
Almost all of the “new” Forsaken options, have been in game for about 4 years now, and we’re just now getting them in SL. Same thing applies to Nightborne, the options have been in game for about 4 years, and you will get them… whenever.
Or you could play Blood Elves.
I really would prefer distinct skin tones. I don’t want to turn into the Void/Blood elf sharing disaster.
My god that’s almost night and day there would it have been too much to just rip the npc model for player characters?
I also don’t care what anyone says, but Nightborne are the one race that desperately needs new body options. Just imagine being part of a race that not only defended their city from the Legion’s wrath, but also managed to grow a tree that produces a super powerful fruit that fixes every physical flaw yet all of your people, post Legion-war, became dangerously thin; Absolute skin and bone.
There are so many improvements that can be said and done for Nightborne and it’s ridiculous that Blizzard hasn’t gotten around to doing more for them. My bets are all on the fact that, somehow, character models are the most difficult and complicated assets in all of WoW and they’re just too pre-occupied to even try.
Also, I’m desperate to play a Nightborne that has Fel green eyes and glowy hands like the NPCs so I can play a Warlock and not feel like a nerd.
Nightborne IMO are the most disappointing allied race by far simply because of just how BAD they look. They need almost a complete model overhaul.
Anything but the absolute worst/useless racials in the game would be nice.
I’ll let you keep your chin armor, if they attach it to the head piece instead of the chest piece. Deal?
I was specifically thinking of that new charcoal grey and how fantastic that would look with Nightborne tattoos.
That fan-made Nightborne female face that Valyntina embedded would be PERFECT with maybe a few tweaks here and there. I would be content with that face with improved hair textures/definition. If they decided to throw in the arcane hair effect, I’d be over the moon.
Even though I’d love for my female Nightborne to have those options, it’s the male Nightborne that really need a big boost. It’s hard for me to look at the male Nightborne NPC and picture that translated into a playable model. The face is…super narrow.