Nightborne: Model Updates

One more post and you’ll hit 3k.

Make it count, lass.

Im just peeved the cool metal plates on their faces are only exclusive with the Heritage armor :confused:

Would love to have the option to select face plating like in their concept art on the chin, ears, or even nose. The closest thing you can get is with females on the ears, the males don’t get anything :frowning:


All I see is that their eyes aren’t as squinty. Or am I missing something huge that my unobservant :peach: is missing

Whenever I’m in Xibala and see all the NPC Nightborne I want to cry. My god, the playable ones look so bad :sob:

I have a male Nightborne and from what I’ve seen is his body proprtions are kinda gross. Stick skinny arms and legs while having a humongous torso. Also, none of the faces look like the npcs. It’s not just the squinty eyes. They don’t look regal like the npcs.


How’s that? :smiley:


You are a luscious elf.

Thaurissan Stamp of Approval


I always felt that the Nightborne player models were worked on last second on rushed time :joy:


I feel more like a nightelf than a nightborne.


Try 7th hairstyle down (long pony tail) with… let’s see… 6 of the different faces. On the (character’s) right side, the cheekbone cuts through the strands of hair in front of her ears. :rage: Makes me so sad Bc that’s my favorite hairstyle but I can’t choose the face I want with it (5th one down). I guess it’s not a huge deal, but c’mon Blizz…

I did. It’s fix’d! :smiley:

O_O Well hell.

when nightborne were announced I was so ecstatic. I was willing to race change half of my characters. I race changed my rogue and leveled a warlock.

I race changed both later.


How strange.

Edit: Ooooh goodness I have a pending update. We shall see, we shall see… fingers crossed

Edit edit: Nope. Still clipping issues on the face. :rage:

Speaking of hairstyles, I’d love some French-inspired, long, curly options, such as the 16th-17th century styles. I think they’d benefit from these styles as it would further enhance their uniqueness among the various types of elves and other races as well as speak to their culture and fancy / proud society. I think the wow art team could do a great job with long curly and/or wavy hair styles, and I think those options would look great on the French inspired Nightborn - for example long white twirls a against the dusky skin tones of the gaunt, scholarly Nightborn male would be very befitting indeed. At the moment many of the Nightborne males’ hairstyles are very close in resemblance to Blood Elves’ and other elves’ hair - I understand why, but considering the separated cultures, heritages, traditions, societies and adaptations, I also don’t see why not. That’s great but some long curls could be a signature style aesthetic and match their personalities and culture. Just some fun thoughts!


I adore that idea. 1000% agree with you.


Odd. it might be client-sided then. it didn’t clip on my darkiron when I use this face in particular. I might be overlooking the others but this face im currently using has had the clipping in the ponytail and the longest hair with multi-braids and skull clamps.

Lol, this is the kind of thing that is hard to notice, but once you see it, you can’t unsee.

That… Is exactly the problem.

If this was Final Fantasy 14 our objections and inquiries would at least be addressed in a direct and respectable manner. :confused:


I quite like how my Nightborne male is basically a much improved Night Elf male. He doesn’t do dumb backflips when he jumps, his arms aren’t as wide as his waist, he doesn’t turn into a wisp when he dies, and he has cooler-looking hairstyles. I love the Night Elf male casting animations, so it’s a win-win for me. Also: 1% more magic damage? Yay! Thanks for doing something right, Blizz!

… though, more face customization options would be nice. Lol.


With this thread up again I’d like to once again say… MORE HAIR OPTIONS FOR NIGHTBORNE FEMALES PLEASE. Thanks.