Nightborne: Model Updates

/worgen laugh

Oh boo hoo… You can start to think of some new models after you get in line Elf. We Worgen and Goblins have been stuck with the same lousy models since Cata so yes you can wait your turn to get your poor model updated.

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Nightborne won’t get updated so quickly .other races that are old enough are still waiting on their updates .

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I still wish the nightborne looked like the npcs rather than withered versions of the npcs… I made one and he looks funny. He’s too ugly to main so he sits in the corner and helps me farm warfront mounts from time to time.

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this. if the males had more muscle and some slight bigger, normal legs I would roll them much faster. I had to race change from warrior because it was so ridiculous


The playable Nightborne were such a huge disappointment. I feel like Horde got cheated. I hope there will be some updates to them soon. :disappointed:

Honestly, I would be happy if they at least added 1 nice face to male Nightborne. I would even ignore his goofy body proportions. :persevere:


Well just edhoing most others but I definitely agree especially the males. I stood next to a NB NPC in Dazaralor and the differences are striking. The male NPC’s look great and my char not so much.

One other thing…notice how big NB Males feet are in relation to their body…


Why update existing model when you could just spend the time creating store mount instead?


The Nightborne models won’t be great when they’re based off Night Elves rushed model.

Night Elf/Borne need drastic fixes all together.

Just copying pasting what I put in a previous thread few days ago.


I will die first before I let this disgrace to the Nightborne go uncorrected.

Shoves Since a bump is not good enough.

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They corrected that hair issue, actually. We’re A Okay now.

You don’t really look all that different, except in the face.

See how narrow the eyes on the NPC are? There’s something about them that make me think this model doesn’t have much of the same expressive capability as a player character needed to have.

Pay closer attention, dear deader.

The overall chin to nose to eyes ratio is off in comparison to the NPC.

It’s slightly so but it’s enough to be quite jarringly hard to take them as “snoody elves” they were originally portayed as in Legion.

The lips are definitely different as well.

Compare Thalyssra’s cutscene model with that of the PCs to further the discrepancy.

(Not to mention she gets a pretty lip shape AND lipstick to go with her pale skin option, which the current NBs lack any sort of cosmetics and look blander and gaunter than usual)

Edit: actually, the ear shape is all wrong too!

What the hell happened?!


What makes it even worse is all the npc model Nightborne walking around right in our faces showing off.


I did.

I went back and looked at some Nightborne NPCs. They dont make much of any expression and dont seem to have the animation to blink.

The models are perfectly fine.

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Looks like you didn’t catch the joke and didn’t read the rest.of my posts. :expressionless:

Their animations aren’t the point that we are making.

The base appearance is.

The Nightborne were a mistake to make in the “allied race= reskin” formula.

I can appreciate what Blizzard’s team could do with the time that they had or didn’t have but it simply does not do the playable race any justice regardless.

I personally would have preferred to wait until BFA’s Launch if it meant that the playable Nightborne would be a modified and modernized Suramarian NPC model rather than a loopy skinnier night elf reskin with unusual eye shape( night elves themselves have better eyes even!)


Not everyone is in the mood for jokes about certain subjects.

And those that are would have a hard time telling through letters alone.

Need voiced tones to tell a joke.



We’re not talking about world disasters here. It’s a topic about customizations. And it’s been an ongoing “meme” around here for a very long time.

Geebus, lighten up. :roll_eyes:

Telling me to “lighten up” when my eyes and hair is literally on fire is a joke in of itself…

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