Nightborne: Model Updates

No. Just because you play Nightborne doesn’t mean you deserve all this development time. You don’t deserve all these tweaks and adjustments to your model. Reroll Night Elf. Stop trying to look like a Night Elf but wanting to play Horde.

Just because you play an orc doesn’t mean you deserve anything too. With that mentality, NO ONE deserves to get anything they want. How utterly pathetic and selfish.

No one here is asking for options instead of someone else. Smh.


i dont think this will happen anytime soon :confused:

Yes, dont forgget this thread

I wish you guys luck, I truly do. But judging from the track record with goblin’s and Worgen I think the line moves as fast as a DMV line on holiday break,

hopefully one day, but don’t hold your breath.

this isn’t just a bad update, like some of the old races got. this is delivering what amounts to a different race from what was promised, yet trying to call it the same race. it isn’t even comparable to npc nightborne.

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I have a sliver of hope that they will review all Legion ARs and get them on par with the BFA ARs in the next expansions prelaunch.

Goblins and Worgen have had to wait more than 8 years to get an update.

Seems Nightborne still have another 7+ to wait.

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Ha ha…
try lightforged draenei. They have more customization options for the forhead symbol than anything else…

I would also love a second option of the Nightborne heritage robes that is actually just the top without the skirt. Just like how the Blood Elves got theirs, to cater both to caster and melee archetypes.


we need the heritage weapons, too.

and alternate colors of the sets, like mag’har got. there should be a fel version for warlocks.


An arsenal of weapons tied to an Achievement or quest chain, maybe?
Like the LFD ones:


weapons for nightborne, dark iron, void elves, and blood elves were added WITH their heritage armor.

there’s 0 reason it shouldn’t have just came with the achievement.


Umm, we haven’t even had our Worgen and Goblin model update yet… Your race came out last expac. You gonna be waiting a few years at least for an update I’m afraid.

Was just thinking the same thing, LOL

Does anyone know if our worgen and goblin models have been updated yet? Why isn’t anyone talking about this?

that’s coming in 8.2.5

their heritage armors are coming with that update.


Better have my top hat and monocle

Blizz did get pretty lazy with this. We both should have more options then what we have now.


This is a tired argument. You’re getting your updates. The worgen and goblin models look fine to begin with, IMO. The reason why they were last on the list is because they were introduced in freaking Cata. What’s next? People will complain the Pandaren should have an update? As it stands, the upcoming model updates for worgen and goblins are pretty subtle. The problem with playable Nightborne is that they look nothing like actual Nightborne.


we cant let this thread die. how can we as players allow ourselves to be this disgraced. the farming for rep and doing the storyline for a clone of nelfs that is completely unfinished? wtf