Bumping, please do not take away what the majority enjoy, keep that beautiful Ambience of actual night time
Is it really that bad? Lol
Bump because…why?
When prepatch came out…
- Drek in AV was 5man-able from beginning with no towers down
- Some raid bosses were unkillable
- Raid lock outs/timers were broken
- Honor was over-valued
- Mail missing from so many people
- Some boosted characters were bugged (i.e. hunters have DW but unable to DW)
And a lot of things I know I overlooked but since then. . .
- BGs randomly kicking people out
- BG ques randomly dropping
- More raid bosses now bugged
- lighting as mentioned in this thread is off
- cross-server inviting/communication is around now suddenly
- A certain BG bug with AV has returned I believe, something bout getting around the land in a certain way
These are just things off the top of my head.
Of all the wow betas I’ve been in, I’ve seen some crazy bugs, but not so many altogether. That said that’s my experience. Like I remember the TMNT bug, turtles in MoP that once you hit them they DCed you and killed you. Some of the bugs seem to be on that level.
These lighting bugs are present in Shadowlands and were present since the launch of Shadowlands. We brought it up numerous times and i bet the forum posts are still there about it. Blizzard refused to address it and fix it and basically the fix was to get a new gpu or rollback drivers months back. Now Blizzard took that shadowlands engine and is using it for TBC and brought all its bugs with it just now in the TBC environment instead of Shadowlands environment.
This is what happens when you just make excuses for the company and let bugs continue as they keep charging you for it. Tomorrow is a maintenance window…lets hope they fix this stuff.
100% It’s because they were rushed, likely low staffed and cared little for testing due to the previous two reasons.
And said it in another thread, as you said, they rushed TBC onto current servers without testing so it has many current server bugs.
Surprised Paladins are not getting the “This is how you use holy power at level 7” bug.
why pay for testing when they can charge people a monthly fee to test it?
Nice name btw lol.
Just wait until you guys see the Devilsaur in Un’goro… looks like a radioactive albino dinosaur under a blacklight. Basically, night mode does not exist right now, instead the lighting just gets weirder at night. I’m glad people are finally talking about this because it’s driving me crazy, especially since I usually play late at night. If you ask me, this should be the #1 priority bug to fix.
I’m comparing screenshots of night time I had in Classic and it’s not different in Elwynn or Stormwind. Where are you seeing an issue with nights?
Was in SM the other day helping a friend level his character (also get loot) and the shadow at the bottom of the stairs Left side stair covered area to the right of the cathedral entry way when facing the big cathedral doors; was spazzing out.
Top screenshot is a month or so ago. The bottom one I just took now. I think the bottom one actually looks slightly darker so maybe something changed, they were both taken close to 1:00 A.M:
This makes me sad. Bump.
Ive also noticed that in certain zones, its bright as heck compared to others. Hillsbrad comes to mind along with Tanaris when you compare it to other zones with proper nighttime colors and lighting like Hinderlands.
i.imgur .com/BohCuPz .jpg
i.imgur .com/Ppnublb .jpg
absolute bump.
Not just night light either. Other lighting issues as well present, like character and object lighting and shading. Check out these examples
Classic: https://i.ibb.co/KNhFn5P/2021-05-19-6.png
TBC: https://i.ibb.co/M1Qdfkm/2021-05-19-8.png
Retail: https://i.ibb.co/0tvZhsh/2021-05-19-9.png
Notice the bright green texture of the orc? lol its really bad in un’goro crater. You can even notice the lack of shading on the retail version and how they have a temporary fix to add a bit of shadows but not coming close at all to the proper classic version. the title and character selections screens show it correctly, but in the TBC and Retail it changes color, lighting, shading.
It all depends on your GPU on the degrees of “messed-up-ness”. My guess is you have a RTX capable card. Some AMD cards react differently, and the pics I am showing you are of the GTX nvidia variety. Some people experience random balls of light floating everywhere, some see floating shadows or glowing effects in the shape of squares and rectangles flashing. Its their lighting engine, ssao, and ray tracing setup that is broken and the GPU renders it all differently based on its hardware capabilities and its drivers, thus the different variances in the issues.
Well stated. I agree with this assessment of the issues. My card is RTX capable, so my lighting problems aren’t quite as bad as some of what I’m seeing and hearing from others, but I have the squares and rectangles running next to my character in some zones, Felwood for sure; and certain NPCs and my cheetah cat form are particularly glowy now. There is clearly a problem, and Blizzard needs to address it asap.
Another maintenance window passed…and still lighting issues present.
Activi$ion, promote this man!!
Yeah I have noticed a ton of lighting issues in game. It happens when spells are cast too. It gets super bright then goes back to normal. It’s really jarring and should be fixed ASAP.