They’ve always been using a newer client. Classic itself runs on a modified BfA client so they could make use of 15 years of backend changes for things like security.
With TBC Classic they appear to have started fresh and it runs on a modified Shadowlands client. This is evidenced by the fact that TBCC has Ray Traced Shadows, a feature brand new in Shadowlands and not available in Classic WoW even right now.
That said while they should still fix this, I do change my settings to have a Contrast of 90, Brightness of 45, and Gamma of 1.0.
It’s not perfect, but it helps make the new lighting engine not look so washed out.
It is, I had to manually rebuild several addons that work fine in classic vanilla but not in tbc classic.
Turns out it’s the 9.1 engine and not the 7.3 they had been using.
Gotcha! Thanks for the info. That explains a lot as I have a 3070 and have been noticing some issues that are shared with other games that ray trace, I also noticed my lighting to be different and couldn’t quite place why
I love night time… it needs to be in tbc.
If you rebuilt several addons, you’d probably know that Classic ran on the BfA client, not the Legion client (7.3).
Look at our forum avis. The lighting has changed. My T3 looks brown now and my hair blonde.
yes and the shadowlands engine has had graphics problems since launch that keep getting brought up but blizzard is ignoring it. currently the fix for the issues in shadowlands is to roll back nvidia drivers extremely far back. sadly though it is not fixing current TBC issues. Just sucks, that a problem that was announced months ago is still present because they refuse to fix it and now brought it into their other games. Keep bringing attention to the issue and hopefully they will finally fix it instead of just telling everyone they need to buy new gpu’s.
I didn’t need to rebuild any for Classic, just assumed.
Either way doesn’t change the fact they’re different. Additionally the 7.3 and 8.x are very similar.
The 9.0x is also but it’s got some interesting differences
Having everything be brightly lit all the time makes it look like a gross korean MMO. No idea why retail was changed like that but keep it in retail please
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Retail hasn’t been like that for many years. If there’s an issue, it’s likely unrelated to retail.
I don’t think it’s so much an intended change, as it is just a consequence of using the Shadowlands client and rushing out the pre-patch and TBC before it’s even close to being ready. There are a LOT of things wrong with the client right now. This is just one of them.
Yeah I noticed the rtx thing and I have a 3090 so I tried it and sure enough, it’s actually functional in the TBCC client.
I have no idea why they decided to rebuild the game using the Shadowlands client rather than work forward from the Classic one.
I get why Classic was built on the BfA client, but they have all the modern backend updates now in a Classic client.
Retail is actually really dark, the setup they are using in TBC has gotta be bugged. Potentially copy pasted vanilla classic settings to 9.1 isn’t compatible in the way that you can’t copy and paste the original TBC database and use it with a 9.1 core / client.
Do we know if they updated classic to the new client as well? There was that accident with TBCC having merged realms for a bit, I wonder if merging realms for classic is what facilitated it, or…
Can’t you choose which expansion you want to level from in retail currently? Maybe they figured they already did a lot of the work to get that set up, might as well use that client going forward?
Check out the lighting changes between the 3 different games:
Notice the character shading and ground/object shading? Classic is how its supposed to look but since shadowlands it has been messed up and since TBC is ran off shadowlands engine now it too is messed up.
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I have Classic installed and it doesn’t have the ray tracing option. Everything seems to be the actual Classic client.
This is what I’m thinking. We had the whole “night is too bright” discussion back when Classic was being made and I took this comparison screenshot back then:
The picture on the left is an actual 1.12 client so it’s authentic Vanilla. The picture on the right is default settings in BfA.
The biggest thing is the colours are more washed out in the modern engine, which is why I amp up the contrast in the settings. It helps bring the colours out.
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This absolutely needs to be fixed. Looks matter.
Nighttime now. World seems so bright.
You know I was halfheartedly saying they did not test it at all but. . . did they actually not test anything of prepatch?
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Blizz, please fix. A not-small part of why I still play this game is the beautiful environments, and nighttime is no exception.