All we have pointing to that is the comment of a 20-year old kid who hasn’t just been through burying the ashes of thousands of his subjects, innocent families - children - burned alive…who is now somehow an expert on the subject.
Starstrike, Eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
So you honestly believe Tyrande becomes a demigod, character three on the Alliance leadership roster, after doing something for no reason other than total vengeance, and she’s gonna be completely fine. You really believe that?
Right, but do you really expect those two characters to die that easily. Sylvanas especially who we also now know has the void under her belt? Just because Tyrande went under some vengeance killing ritual doesn’t mean she’s going to just lol yoink Sylvanas into the next life when Sylvanas makes it very clear she has no intentions of ever dying after she flung herself off to die once. And, I’m sure more than just tyrande want vengeance for what she’s done to their people and their homeland.
Right, which is why I’m stating sure she may not be corrupted but I’m assuming if the ritual usually kills the person and it is…you know…elunes vengeance, yada, yada I feel like that would do something to even Tyrande - Elune’s most devoted follower… You know?
Mainly because it’s not self serving like Garrosh and Sylvanas, this would not be a thing if Teldrassil had not happened. She is avenging her fallen people, not trying to gain supreme power for herself. You are making the assumption that she is currently going after the Horde members now too, nothing says one way or the other. We will have to wait and see.
I find it incredibly difficult to believe Tyrande will be fine and act all peachy after a ritual which has killed everyone before due to the raw power involved was performed for the sake of nothing other than total vengeance. And I hope she isn’t. That’d be a hell of a waste. I’d be fine with her blowing up Silvermoon and killing Lor’themar if it meant she did something actually befitting such a dangerous ritual.
alrite chill alrite don’t touch dadremar.
Look, I love Lor’themar as much as the next blood elf. Losing him would make me sad. But I’d be fine with it if it meant Tyrande actually does something worth the ritual’s salt.
Rather do that I’d say just murder a bunch of undead, especially the ones that would still blindly follow her after her big tantrum.
Why do all the Night Elf fans love hating on the Humans of WoW? You guys act as if they aren’t the smartest, most successful race in Azeroth. If not for the Humans, Azeroth would have been destroyed by the Horde’s first invasion on the planet. The Blood Elves and High Elves owe their lives to the Humans too, from way back in the Troll wars.
Anduin isn’t some random kid from the streets. He’s been studying and preparing himself for the role. So far, Anduin hasn’t even done anything wrong.
I think people should wait until he starts messing up before insulting him.
You are under the assumption that the night warrior is fully fleshed out as a story and must be continually filling the person with a hulk like rage until they have to be put down. No, not really. The ceremony is very dangerous and kills any whom have tried after its initial invocation. Tyrande is elunes chosen and has survived. As I said, there is a way to get our vengeance, without this ending in both factions coming together to appease some little twerps dreams of peace… and this point it’s probably just Sylvanas and Nathanos. (No tyrande and malf wont be the ones to kill both of them, it will be player/hero effort.)
Look, like I said earlier. You and I disagree and we’ll continue to disagree. I want Tyrande to go nuts. Horde vs. Alliance will likely always be a thing. Someone has to kick off the next faction war. Tyrande’s a good candidate. It’s fine if we disagree. Let’s just agree to disagree and move on.
You also seem to forget that humans were also still the very reason why Blood elves became blood elves in the first place. And technically I really wouldn’t say they’re the most successful, sure the most darn stubborn in surviving if you really think about lifespans and the fact that they’re kinda like little bugs in comparison to races like all elven races, zandalari trolls, and a few other races. Smartest? I’d say I’d give that to Nightborne, Goblin and Gnomes.
Also, the reason I mostly hate anduin is because of exactly what you just said, he hasn’t done anything wrong. And yet, somehow he’s just ascended to High King without any issue at all and it was sorta thrust upon him suddenly. I fully expected him to make mistakes, not be mary sued into some perfect kingship I’d like Anduin way more if they wrote him a bit more realistically for the position he should’ve been in the second his own father died because of the Burning Legion. So yeah, nah…
Edit: By blood elves becoming blood elves I mean solely them siding with the horde and absolutely abandoning the Alliance, pardon for not clarifying that lore bit a bit better.
Darling, you know what I hate? Being the this powerful important horde who has no power. If I had a say there would of being a horde civil war. As I would not of allowed the tree to be set on fire. Even if it meant my characters dead. But I am a slave to blizzard writers where I am either a weak willed stooge of evil or so stupid I didn’t understand what was going on
Technically this is can be blamed on the Orcs. Arthas and the Forsaken would have never been a thing if they never invaded. It was an Orc helping Arthas become the Lich King, and he only became the Lich King because of what the Horde brought to the lands of EAstern Kingdoms. They also brought the Burning Legion with them.
Those Trolls, Elves and a few other races are basically all wiped out now. I think Zandalari Trolls are the exception? No other race (currently) has as many cities and kingdoms as the Humans do. And even if they did in the past, those cities are long gone.
I’d say they are some of the smartest. I think Gnomes are a different kind of smart. And not even Thalyssra knew how Jaina was so capable with her magics.
This is fair, but he hasn’t done anything bad so far, which means there’s no real reason for him to be getting hate because he’s a bad leader.
I am not blaming the horde players for the burning of Teldrassil, just like you, the writers. It’s been written into a corner where this “break the cycle” isn’t believable because of the lose ends. 8.2.5 was in short a cop out on the story to say… hey it’s done, Be friends now.
I agree. Empower the lore but nerf shadow meld.
I’d hardly really say that it was technically their fault when really it was Garithos just being Xenophobic towards elves and just blaming elves for everything going on during … The second war? And then after he saw Belves helping Naga he pretty much just wrote them all off instantly, but by that point they’d already been belves so really that doesn’t mean much in the way of things. It was mostly strictly because of Garithos though, and not solely to blame for Orcs. Sure they became bloodelves - the name we know now - because of Arthas which would’ve been the orcs fault by technicality, but I mostly meant the reason why they joined the horde. Which I clarified after since I was a bit vague by that when I meant something totally different.
Technically yes and no, you could argue that certain elves of the Night Elves and other races would still exist so long as they hadn’t died, for example Tyrande and Malfurion. They just aren’t immortal anymore, so they could very well have the potential to die, and they probably would be way older and actually feeling age catch up to them now. But even then, Night elves, Nightborne, certain troll races - to my knowledge, Blood elves and High elves still out live them by a good number.
Technically Suramar is still around, it’s just not in use for whatever reason even if I may disagree and feel it should be used… I guess sure you could use it if you really wanted, but not many people do. I think really any still in tact major Night Elf temple or buildings would still count too… So, Val’sharah despite it being all corrupt and what not, but it’s not really a city so I guess I wouldn’t really count it.
And no, I don’t hate him cause I think he’s necessarily a bad leader. I personally just hate him because I believe Blizzard made him the most boring, uninteresting mary sue out of most of Blizzard’s writing. I fully expected him to make some mistakes here and there and yet here he is doing everything perfectly fine aside from telling Tyrande no… Which, was mostly because Sylvanas had spread his numbers a bit thin in regards to all the troops he was using, so that I don’t necessarily fault him entirely, but I still get why Tyrande threw a hissy fit.
Implying that the horde would apologize, let alone returning night elf lands and helping to rebuild.
In their history books, the genocide will be noted down as a glorious victory.
I think you’re assuming a lot from the entirety of 1 race, some of which definitely didn’t agree with Sylvanas as seen throughout the expansion, and also probably wants to let bygones be bygones.