Night Elves Should Go on a Crusade Against the Forsaken

two endangered races (caused by the same person) going to war with each other…

What a dumb idea. Next time, think of the lore before you post.

It is not arbitrary - which may be why you fail to understand the lore. The Alliance and Horde made a truce and coordinated militarily at the Broken Shore. Rogue elements of the Alliance disobeyed their High King and made the first strike after the hostilities were ceased. The High King even rebuked the leader of that aggression. But what is done is done. They made the first strike, and never reached out to the Horde.

While reflecting on Stormheim, Saurfang realized that even though Anduin is peaceful, that alone could not keep the Alliance from attacking without consequence.

Did you read A Good War? Maybe you should. Or read it again.


I dunno, it hasn’t stopped Blizzard before.

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It wasn’t even a rebuke. It was more akin to a very gentle slap on the wrist. After all it was Anduin who ordered Greymane and the sky admiral to follow the forsaken and stop them if they were infact up to no good. Genn just decided ahead that they all ready were. :wolf:


Are you kidding?!?

Not only was it certainly a rebuke, but it was a stern rebuke!!


(Im kidding but not. I believe the wording in Before the Storm was “a stern rebuke”)

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Point being, anduin was the one who ordered Greymane to stormheim to watch and possibly interfer if the forsaken were indeed up to something.

The rebuke was simply a political move to placate the people complaining. Anduin would be a bit of a hypocrite if he was serious about that rebuke :wolf:


The stern rebuke was actually in private. I don’t know if anyone was even aware of it besides Anduin, Genn, and maybe Turalyon and Rodgers (because she may have been lectured as well).

Which is one reason Saurfang is raw about it - because he never heard of any thing from his spies occurring as a consequence. If Anduin made a public rebuke, or made some acknowledgement to the Horde, Saurfang would not have had that as part of his consideration.


And you’re ignoring all the times the Horde did that exact thing before in the lore and how that all is context that leads into the 1 time Alliance did it. Singular moments in lore cannot be viewed in a vacuum.

Or can you point to me a time when the Horde apologized or payed for what they did to Gilneas, Southshore, etc…?

If it was a valid reason for Saurfang then all of those were valid reasons for Genn.


I’m not denying what Genn started, in fact I applaud what he did.

But it wasn’t the real reason behind the 4th war. It was an excuse of a past event that Sylvanas conviniently brought to the surface again in order to ensure her dark plans would come to fruition. She knew that people like Saurfang would buy it. And yes, it was a good reason to start (or continue) the war, Saurfang wasn’t wrong about that, but not for the atrocities that followed.

Point is, Stormheim or not, Sylvanas would have found something else to justify her actions, one way or another the Fourth War was unavoidable.


Yes, that is plain, now. The Alliance made her work easy on that end by proving her right about the Alliance - even if she was wrong about her whole secret “unmaking the universe” plans.

But a minor quibble:

She didn’t mention Stormheim though. She mentions Anduin being led astray by aggressive advisors, and Saurfang jumps to Stormheim in his mind, on his own.

It isn’t so much a fact she used, as a fact he realized on his own.


Ah yes, I stand corrected. It’s been a while since the last time I read A Good War.


Most likely because he had no idea what sylvanas was up to in stormheim…which is rather convenient if you ask me :wolf:

Mass murder of uninvolved civilians is justice to you? That is legitimately psychopath logic.

Not to mention the horde and alliance worked together both in Suramar and with the draenei to go to argus. They weren’t at war then.


According to Curses logic the horde mentality is Well…the warchief was stopped in Stormheim…I guess we’ll commit genocide, kill the women and child and plague the land

If that’s considered justice…well lets just say I’m speechless :wolf:


For real. Sometimes I don’t know if like the extreme horde partisans are just RPing here when they talk about the lore or they actual think like this. If they are RPing we have an RP forum, they should go use that instead.


The sad part is, most seem to actually believe what they’re saying. :wolf:


I really hope not…

Look at the arguement between Reynal and Curse. One actually thinks the genocide of the kaldorei is justice because Saurfang didnt know the whole story of what happened in Stormheim, only that sylvanas was attacked by Greymane. :wolf:


Or maybe Sylvanas and Saurfang finally heard the stories about the famous Nelf laugh and came to the conclusion that Nelves never cared for the trees to begin with.
And so begun the war, a war of justice, where the only way to liberate Telldrassil from tyranny was to burn it along with its conquerors.

Perhaps we were wrong all along.


Considering he shot first, there’s no reason to take his word for it that she was up to no good. He didn’t seem to tell Anduin either considering Anduin wagged his finger at him over it.

Though I’m not convinced Genn even knew what she was doing and would have stopped her if she was capturing Sargeras himself just to spite her.