Night Elves Should Go on a Crusade Against the Forsaken

Anduin sent both Greymane and Sky Admiral Rodgers to Stormheim to keep an eye on the forsaken, so clearly Anduin knew the forsaken were up to Something. As far as not taking his word it, I think Anduin did believe whatever Genn told him, hence a scolding that amounts to a slap on the a wrist :wolf:

Yo, can I get a source for the Anduin sending Genn thing? The only thing I can find is Genn sending himself after the Forsaken and never talking to Anduin because he can’t face him after Varian’s death.

Anduin does send Genn, but he tells him not to pick a fight - and before they even leave Stormwind, Genn says he will attack her regardless.

It is the Alliance intro to Stormheim.

Anduin says to keep an eye on her, but despite that, Genn says he does not hunt unless he seeks a kill. He was commanded to keep an eye, but he left trying to kill. And then events unfolded.


Thanks, that’s what I was looking for. I don’t play Alliance so I had no idea where to look for the conversation and the only thing I could find was Genn talking about going after the Forsaken before he even so much as speaks to Anduin after the Broken Shore.


Here, watch this. At 1:35 Rogers says ‘‘We are to track them from a safe distance. We may engage, but only if the situation demands’’.


A crusade? No. My nelf (now DK) main doesn’t have the ‘Deus Vult!’ mentality to go after the rank and file of either faction. It’s the leaders that cause the problems. I’m thinking that my nelf DK wants to find a hidden/forgotten fortress ruin, build it up in secret (kind of like the garrison only more realistic), call it Alamut, create an order of assassins (hashashin), and systematically go after any and all of the leaders. The side doesn’t matter. We would eventually fail but the raid to take the fortress could be interesting.

That having been said, I do get a certain enjoyment in this machinima by Pivotal:

If Alliance was portrayed correctly Andiun could not order Genn to do anything.
Genn can do whatever he wants and Andiun can’t do anything about it.


Now this seems a totally head canon opinion. Contrary to events and the lore.

What transpired occured, even if you do not feel it is correct.

Anduin was the High King of the Alliance and the Kings who were subject to his command accepted that - even if the Alliance Fanbase disagrees.

Remember how Sylvanas tells the High King to muzzle his dog.

It would seem to depend on the forces at command. Genn can take his Gilneans and do as he pleases… like at Darkshore. But when he is given command of Alliance Forces, like at Stormheim, he would be subject to the commands of the Alliance High King, and be rebuked if he does not follow them.


Its kind of funny to talk to Horde players.
When its about the Horde being presented in a certain way the response is “THATS NOT THE REAL HORDE!!!1”

but when its the Alliance. “Looks fine to me.”


Greymane is NOT subjected to Anduins rule. You would know this when he and tyrand literally go against him and head to Darkshore in BfA.

The only person projecting their headcannon here is you Curse. :wolf:


No. As I said :

Adorable, coming from someone who didn’t even know the rebuke was private.

Please. I understand silly Worgen posters get in an uproar. But the difference is the forces being commanded.

Genn used Alliance forces at Stormheim and got rebuked by the High King - because he misused Alliance Forces at his command. But Genn could take his Gilnean forces and other volunteers to Darkshore. That jibes to me.


true but both races have stans and would like to see their respective race to live on…right?

For the Dark Lady. Bring it.



Oh my god Stormheim was a dreadlord plot. That’s actually fantastic.

You started this diatribe by comparing cutting seemingly unowned trees to attacking the leader of the world power which your faction is completely aware of.

I didn’t read the read of the thread but just incase someone said “The Alliance was FORCED to attack Sylvanas”:
Have an album. They left fully intending to attack Sylvanas, behind Anduin’s back.


While I’m all for a crusade against the Forsaken, we gotta ask which Horde leader are we gonna have to offer up to the executioners block this time? Every conflict between H/A almost always seems to end with a Horde leader dead and if this crusade happens, who’s it going to be this time? Baine, the Entire council or because it’s Forsaken are we going to kill Calia or Voss?

Obviously the answer is Lor’themar. He’s officially been a racial leader longer than anyone else Horde-side, some players like him, he has a backstory, therefore he must die to make room for a brand new leader to replace him in four to eight years.

This is the (Horde) way.


Calia wanted to be a help - we can offer her.


I don’t think the Night Elves going after the Forsaken or the Horde to any extent beyond booting them out of their lands is a beneficial play. At most taking back the territory ceded to the Horde via the treaty that said Horde promptly broke, and maybe doing something to stop the Goblins poisoning the Southfury River (Exploring Kalimdor remains an abomination). Even if they completely secured their lands when it comes to the Horde, they still have a wealth of issues to handle within said lands that would better serve them to deal with.

At their essence, the kaldorei just want to be left relatively alone in their forests so they can do giant bat elf things in relative peace.

On a meta level, crusading against the Forsaken wouldn’t benefit them at all because there’s a non-zero chance given recent history that anything they do would be framed by the writers as unjust and overly vengeful and wrong. And I’d rather gouge my eyes out with a spork than have to deal with a human explaining why ‘vengeance bad’ to a being twenty times their age. Because we all know full well it would be a human doing it.


Maiev tried to exterminate them, with moderate success. Which was - apparently - a hunky-dory thing to do.

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