I think tying the tragedy of the Night Elves solely to Sylvanas is a pretty big copout and very unsatisfying conclusion to the NE’s feelings of revenge.
If it wasn’t clear enough, there are still elements of Forsaken society that are sympathetic and even loyal to Sylvanas. The NE should crusade against these elements and utterly destroy them. Use Holy Fire weapons as a symbolic gesture to eradicate them, and that could also open a pathway into us getting Night Elf Paladins, which would be cool.
I really hope the NE don’t cower and retreat back into Kalimdor after all this. I think this latest war has proven that the Horde will always remain a global threat and that the Kaldorei should instead seek to be proactive members of the Alliance rather than elusive and secluded, and have a much larger military presence in Lordaeron, not simply Kalimdor.
The NE to me have felt ‘incomplete’ as a race for a while now, because I feel that there are multiple elements within them that are just underused, and too much focus is on the druidic, nature-loving aspects of the NE. The Highborne of Feralas, for instance, have gotten 0 lore (as far as I know) since Cataclysm. There’s also the battle mages of Azsuna and a couple other elements they should consolidate into the overarching culture of the elves.
It’s time for an update to the NE. Their story ending here and purely being about Tyrande vs. Sylvanas is unsatisfying, shallow, and frankly dismissive of the overall race and continues the trend that the faction leaders only matter and the races’ lore is simply an extension of the faction leaders, who are glorified comic book characters.
I don’t think a crusade against the forsaken is a great idea for the night elves, it also makes them too human, going on a crusade against the undead with paladins and stuff. I do agree that they need to do something different and pull back on all the druid focus and get back to more like the sentinels, wardens, priestesses of elune etc. A lot of night elf stuff just gets watered down to druids.
Night elves still have the problem with the horde’s continuing to invasion of Ashenvale after BfA for some reason, that should really be a priority for them to deal with instead of expanding into lordaeron or something, that feels more like a human paladin thing. But they do need to start doing something different probably, since they’ve just been the punching bags for wow since at least cataclysm.
Also yeah night elves didn’t really have a story in SL either, they just added Tyrande for Sylvanas’ story, she was actually so pointless the writers forgot the lines they wrote for the elune cinematic, Tyrande in 9.2 says maybe elune spared sylvanas so she could pick up souls in the maw, but elune didn’t even know the souls were sent to the maw until after she saved sylvanas. That’s just one example, but Tyrande was in shadowlands for literally no reason and that power she got was pointless.
Shouldn’t the night elves be more angry with the orcs anyway? They’re the ones who invade kaldorei lands every chance they get. I could see the sentinels hunting down orcs and putting their heads on pikes as a warning to others who want to try and invade their lands
you spent an entire thread supporting the idea that people should just magically know to stay out of zones.
now you understand that warnings are necessary.
don’t worry, micah. i’m here for you!!
Why would they care about the Forsaken when they have the Orcs at their door? It’s not like it was just the Forsaken that attacked them in BfA. Heck, it was mostly Kalimdor Horde that were part of the WoT and the Forsaken were thrown at Darkshore for some extra deaths on either side by Sylvanas prior to her tantrum. After that Sylvanas loyalists were outright arrested and paraded in chains in Orgrimmar.
Once the Forsaken get around to doing something about Undercity/Lordaeron they won’t even be on the same continent anymore.
In that thread you were going off about how spooky females talking in the trees and one laughing was enough to make you think it was terrorism. Heads are essentially the same thing, to serve as a warning and make people scared and leave. Making the forest seem haunted wasn’t enough to stop them, I doubt heads on spikes would have done anything.
Mara implied I was out of no where complaining about nelf terrorism, when the post was in answer to you (dishonestly) accusing Grom/The Warsong of terrorism when they first arrived and were fully unaware of night elven existence, or anyone’s presence at all.
I know, I mentioned it. Y’know, where you quoted me mentioning it. And you responded to me, not her. It’s becoming very clear that context isn’t the only thing confusing you today!!
If you cannot at least be entertaining, you’re not getting any further attention from me today. Make the next reply at least somewhat sensible or funny, or I am done with you.
Take a few moments to think your next reply through.