Night Elves new city -> Horde lol?

Careful with comparing the game with RL stuff, people will realize their arguments are moot and you’ll get called nasty stuff and say you’re disgusting for some odd reason.

Forums gonna be forums eh :sweat_smile:

We just saved the world. Get over it.

There should be areas where the Horde are not allowed into like druid barrows, the temple of Elune, or civilian neighbourhoods

Now that doesn’t make sense because horde druids exist, so it would make sense to allow druids into druid barrows and the temple of Elune.

youve occupied your victim role for years now. I’m gonna start calling all these crybabies Darnarcissists

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I absolutely don’t think anything bad of Horde players in real-life. That would just be pure silliness. I have played Horde myself for years.

I will admit, however, that in BfA, it became VERY difficult to justify anything I was doing while questing. On balance, there are more noble characters in the Horde than not. But they have, twice now, gone along with and done the bidding of absolute psychopaths, simply because of what “team” they were on.

The whole “Vol’jin turns on Garrosh, but then passes the torch to Sylvanas, who ends up being even worse” put Horde players in a hell of a conundrum if they have any interest in immersing themselves in justifiable deeds. Sylvanas and Nathanos in BfA had no grey area whatsoever, they were just pure evil.

I hope this means that all capital cities will be neutral. I want to hang out in Stormwind on my Horde characters in order to RP. Horde RP is dead, might as well consolidate it all in Moonguard’s SW at this point.

The other lightforged shout me down when I suggest its time for exterminatus. Velen has demons running around down there!

I hope they won’t do that for Gilneas…

Blizzard is hellbent on never giving Nelf’s a win.

It would be pretty silly to assume Horde players act in real life the same way we do in WoW. “I absolutely don’t think anything bad of Horde players in real-life.” Just stop. You are borderline larping now.

Someone once extrapolated my liking regular flying with being a negligent mom. Nothing shocks me here. :upside_down_face:

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What the… ?!

People really need to touch grass. :woman_facepalming:t3:

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I dont really get why people are upset with this. Like its peace time and the nelves need to sell their fish and whatever else they export. It doesnt make sense to lock themselves out again. Theyre in quite a good trading hub spot inbetween continents and major cities.

I get Night Elves have had hard times, but NE playerbase act like they’re the ONLY race that’s been hard done by to a large scale … They’re not.


Literally had a whole expansion dedicated to show how their entire race was a pushover, and their entire culture was garbage.

Imagine the players going back in time to the peak of the Night Elf empire, rolling them over – and AU Malfurion was a dungeon boss. lol


I don’t think I even need to say much here. At least with Night Elves they get story content – Tauren are fodder without much story, unless they’re crying to the Alliance. Don’t even get me started on Baine.


Troll had a few empires reduced to ruin, Loa pretty much all sacrificed - and even the Loa lore was turned to spew sludge thanks to Shadowlands; which to some degree also ruptured their culture upon that note, so there’s that too.

… But yeah, even though Horde ‘helped save’ the new tree – at best I’d say “That’s your redemption for burning the last one. Now politely, sod off.”

Don’t tell this guy it was Guldan who blew up the planet it more fun to watch this way.

Great choice, devs. I was starting to think I was crazy that you were going to finally give night elf players a total win. I knew there would be a catch somewhere, and here it is!

oh look the Darnarcissists gonna cry in every thread.

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And you are crying about them crying in every thread.

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You know you done messed up when one of your own calls you out… Ouch…