Night Elves new city -> Horde lol?

Sure, it was just their Uncle Kil’jaden and thousands of other of their brothers and sisters who did it

But all orcs are criminals for whatever any orc does, but not the draenei, couldn’t be our precious draenei

It was definitely the Draenei coming and squatting on Draenor that drew the Legion there in the first place.


I will say this, it is true that some of my race were duped and corupted into serving the Legion. However, it took their leader, a living god by all rights to make it happen. The weak-willed Orcs were subjugated and herded like sheep by Legion underlings.

More Horde disinformation. Your kin fell to one of those Legion-lizard like creatures. Worse, from what I have been told, after freeing themselves of it they drank again willingly.

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Majority of your race, not even much tickery involved

Plus you then instantly all hunted down and tried to murder everyone who didn’t

Orcs just let those who didn’t blood it up live in Nagrand, at least we cared about our own unlike your genocidal species

horde be like

That is true but it doesn’t make them to blame for the Orcs actions either.

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It is true

We are often blurry


I take it you never read “Rise of the Horde”.

Does it explain why when they had a second chance and didn’t make the same mistake with the fel juice, they took basically the same path with the Draenei and trying to invade our world?

You mean WoD? No, because it was published before WoD.

Also, WoD was stupid.


Some of us shed, but you have wild parties that either split the world asunder or cause zombie apocalypse. To each their own.

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Can’t disagree with that :slight_smile:

I feel called out.

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Now now, have a belly rub.


As we all know the insidious threat that is the Draenei, should be watched. No other race has been so dangerous as these blue skinned demons. They have caused billions to die and if were not careful billions more.

What should we do then, you may wonder? while some may clamor for a new road of glory to be built, I say we instead send them to Argus to reclaim and rebuild what they gave away to the legion.

The safety of azeroth can’t be completed until the Draenei threat has been rectified.

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Eyes of the sentinels. Sounds ominous

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:

Everyone is welcome on the void elf rock <:) we have no chairs or tables or food or homes or beds but you can come over and we can hang out!!!

Maybe it be like Spock said in Star Trek TOS episode ‘A taste of Armageddon’. “An entrance, Captain, but no exit. They go in, but they do not come out.”

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A Disintegration Chamber!

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No, Sylvanas burned Teldrassil and we saw what happened to her.

See yourselves as I see you? Toy soldiers in tin plate? Has everyone here forgot it was her idea? A literal war crime? The same attitude that Garrosh took, yet somehow, almost every Horde player says he was the best warchief, despite the Horde narratively separating from him during Mists.

What the Horde does and what Horde leaders do are two totally different things. Don’t blame the son for the sins of the father. Some of us just like to pick flowers and level battle pets. And as some other people have said in here, the faction conflict is over. Tyrande let her powers go to forgive. Wounds are healing.

The main story is almost done wrapping up, to move forward into new stories, so I would enjoy your tree and anyone who chooses to visit it while they all last.