Night Elves new city -> Horde lol?

As a Vulpera I had nothing to do with the burning of that tree and I’m currently helping defend it in the Emerald Dream think I’ve earned the right to be in the tree.

Seriously? What’s with Night Elf players and acting like everything that Blizzard does involving Night Elves that they don’t like is a personal attack.

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I can honestly understand it. After Warcraft III, the race more or less became a laughingstock. Ashenvale was largely destroyed by the Horde. In Feralas, they blocked the central route. They lost Azshara. Darkshore was contaminated. Teldrassil was burned down. Tyrande and Malfurion have become a joke, gaining and losing powers as the plot requires. Elune is now also a poor joke… so that’s quite a lot.

But I agree with you in the sense that it shouldn’t be about which race is and isn’t allowed in their new home, but only about the faction. I find the racial separation concept in WoW to be nonsensical and often questionable, and above all, unnatural. For example, a Vulpera who is eager to support the Night Elves in rebuilding or just wants to visit them should naturally have access. However, if you clearly belong to the faction that caused all that suffering… it does seem somewhat strange.


Even as an orc…I wasn’t here for the BFA starting event (took a long break at the end of Legion). When I did play through BFA I sided against Sylvanas. So I had nothing to do with burning the tree either, I’ve only ever helped defend the new one.


I’m gonna guess you weren’t on the forums during BFA when some horde apologists expressed some really extreme opinions about alliance players in real life.

Don’t worry, we Night Elves are hosting a BBQ in celebration and throwing Baine into the fire :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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New tree doesn’t have solid gold toilets. Must be a jab at night elf players. Blizzard hates them so much they keep making entire story patches dedicated to them being better than everyone.


Talk about dumb comparison. The Horde BURNED down the previous NE capital but hey, lets just allow them to visit the new one…

The old tree DID have solid gold toilets


Correction: the DEVS burned down the previous tree.

Quit it already. Horde players had nothing to do with it.


On top of being kicked out of Kalimdor. Lol what does Blizz have against NE’s? I mean their elves, but damn!

The Horde didn’t do nothing what allegedly happened was an Alcoholic and Predator who shouldn’t of been allowed anywhere near a character like Sylvanas added it in last second to the shock of everyone.

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:luggage: :flight_departure: Tourism :world_map: :sunrise:

It genuinely is just really depressing at this point.

Either the writers are entirely out of touch with their community, or they just don’t care anymore or never learned how to write well. None of those are good options.

There have been some absolutely unconscionable acts committed that we still haven’t gotten resolutions for, but this is just… it’s just actively horrible. I really don’t have other words to express my frustration and disappointment anymore. I’ve lost every last bit of faith in the writers at this point.

It was the same with Sylvanas’ whole narrative back in WC3, which–especially for a female character–was egregious. Forcing victims to suffer the continued abuse of their abusers is levels of awful that are hard to appropriately explain on a platform like this. Sylvanas at least was able to have a sense of agency and pursue justice/vengeance. For us in the MMO, we don’t get that in any sense.

Yes, people will say “it’s just a story”, but the point of story is to drive readers/audiences to connect and react and respond. Some people aren’t here for the story and that’s fine, no shade from me, but for many like me that do care about the narrative, and the world, and the characters, the writers’ decisions these past six years have felt a bit too much like the writers just want to inflict pain rather than telling a nuanced story.

How do they expect to sell the narrative that “the factions have moved past the war” when there hasn’t been any actual focus on making amends? Yes, the Horde is helping at Amirdrassil, but the that’s largely because Fryakk and the primalists pose a threat to AZEROTH as a whole.

There’s been absolutely no evidence in the game, in the story, in any form or fashion, that the Horde has made any efforts to make amends. Just like there hasn’t been any active effort from the Alliance to address the Purge of Dalaran. It all just gets swept under the rug and ignored.

It’s truly worse here though because in no scenario, ever, has the Alliance been written to go out of its way to murder three zones of civilians en-mass and then lounge around in their new home after having burned the last one to the ground.

The imbalance here is just staggeringly painful to stomach.

And worse, given my long years on RP servers, I know there will be Horde players who roll to grief elven RPers at Amirdrassil in character. It 100% will happen, just like it does elsewhere, and Blizzard is effectively enabling them and there’s no way to address it. From an RP perspective, what can you do? Put people on ignore? That defeats the whole purpose of having an immerse, persistent world.

They might as well just close up the RP servers at this point.

I’m genuinely just at a loss.

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The Night Elves get a new city an xpac later meanwhile Lordaeron is still a complete disaster (also thanks to my faction) with no sign of being rebuilt in sight.
:person_shrugging: :man_shrugging:

Should add unlite campfire in front of you :dracthyr_nod:

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Personally, I think it makes for some interesting conflict potential. You can have some Elves wanting to get all stabby with one of their visitors, especially Forsaken, and being all like “The only thing stopping me from giving you a final death are those higher up than me. And only that.”

I don’t think it’s going to be the big L Elves are fearing.

At lest alliance didn’t burn you home (umm what we did ) ok we didn’t attack you because you were trying to make a living work for the horde ( WHAT WE DID ) .

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This is simple. The developers are Horde and they want to take everything from the Alliance. little by little they take over everything that made the Alliance Unique.

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