Night Elves new city -> Horde lol?

Are you referring to the Nightborne, who, immediately after receiving assistance from the Night Elves, joined the Horde and carried out a genocide against the Night Elves? :thinking:


Doesn’t have to be just once.

Lies. I see you around, trying to flirt with the real men when your boys are asleep.

That’s what the Horde wants to do to us! We let you use our hideaway
 give you hyena mounts and pretty tabards
 help you fight the Alliance and the Sethrak (mostly to free our own people cough) and you call us sand rats and say you don’t want us! :dracthyr_cry_animated:

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Draenei caused my home planet to be destroyed and they’re allowed to live there still

A single town is way less

So sayeth one who fights alongside orcs. Orcs, savage creatures that slaughtered hundreds of our kin, even children, to pave “The Road of Glory” leading to the gateway to invade your world.

This Yrel you speak of, I would like to meet her. She sounds like a worthy Lightforged apprentice.

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Hundreds. Big whoop. The goal, according to my sources, was all. All the Draenei.

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How many species were entirely wiped out or enslaved because of the draenei?

They sure don’t care about them, but them getting killed by the legion they lured to the orcs planets is the biggest crime though


Oh, because the Orcs drinking the kil’jaeden’s kool aid has nothing to do with it

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Its not their fault spacegoat bones make such great pavement.


The guy who was brought to the planet by the draenei?

Yea, that never would of happened if they draenei didn’t make the legion so powerful and then lure them to who knows how many planets

PSST! Lazer! Don’t tell them but I don’t think that was kool-aid :dracthyr_tea:

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It figures that the Horde would take up the practice of spreading disinformation and propaganda. Draenor was shattered by Orc magic long after the Draenei were forcee to flee in their ship.

I would become the first ever lightforged pandaren if she stepped into azeroth

The only way you can get any peace for NE is go to classic or classic+. Retail has idiot writers who don’t know when to take a hint.


You mean the fel magic that was recklessly used by the legion (your brothers and sisters) that the draenei lured to the orcs planet?

Good story

“Enslaved”, that is an odd way to calling freely drinking the fel juice and becoming a slave army.


Easy access to burn it again :rofl:.

Oh yea, as we all know the legion was super honest and straight forward about everything

Just some Felguard showed up with some buckets of demon blood and were like “Hey this will turn you into our slaves and give you blind rage”

Definitely wasn’t a huge build up of deception and attacks on the orcs to make them “choose” to do this

Well we know on thing for sure, it wasn’t the Draenei that tricked you into drinking it. You made that mistake all on your own and then went out and murdered every Draenei you could find. But yeah, lets blame them

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