Night Elves new city -> Horde lol?

its not war when we fight the alliance its just hunting down animals.

We’re gonna finish these plum knife ears once and for all

Horde and Alliance are not in conflict anymore. Everyone likes each other now. Love and peace.

of course! we got them a new one after all
which we promise to not burn down…
this year

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cool can we come visit stormwind and ironforge now? :grin:

Yes, every expansion the Alliance and Horde should be at war with one another, and then by the end make peace to fight a common foe. It is WARcraft it doesn’t need a coherent reason for why we are always fighting it just needs to happen.

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Nah, it’s just bad storytelling, evidenced by how meh people were about the whole faction war in BfA.

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Animals eh? At least we only have one race that sheds and doesn’t stand errect, but that is only when they want to.

I don’t shed, I’m a Hypoallergenic Tauren


It makes no sense.


You guys’ consort with the void, and now demons. Animals to hunt down indeed.

sets down a campfire


I’ll bring the marshmallows! :dracthyr_love_animated:


Bliz has done everthing in their power to make the alliance and the horde good buddies but DF makes me hate them more than ever!

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The very same horde that are helping restore the emerald dream and the tree. Ok to use them for their help then kick them out?

And I’ll do it again.

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Alas, that is true of some members of the Alliance. Speaking as a true Lightforgegd though, for their own best interest, these heretical creatures should not wander too far off on their own, or there will be one less of them for the Alliance to have to contend with!

And murderous light worshipers! Alliance is a scary group, man.

I pray for the day that Yrel comes to Azeroth and turn the horde into ashes!

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