Night elves did not descended from trolls

WT actual F
(Begone, foul necromancer)



I’ve never watched Dr. Phil

And now I feel vindicated in that choice.

Thanks Kyalin.


Just for info, Chronicles and Magazine 5, are just a points of view of the Titans. Those Titans did not mention Elune or Winter Queen, e.t.c. They had a lack of knowledge about universe. They have seen how trolls transformed into elves, and that’s it. Maybe they were wrong, maybe Elune actually did some magic, and it was she the one who created elves.
Like in my theory here:

The Tear of Elune and the First Night Elves - Lore / Story Forum - World of Warcraft Forums (

Magazine 5 is not a Titan point of view. It has nothing to do with Titans. Night Elves are important in the story and the narator is neutral. Lol
What transformed those Dark Trolls was Azeroths Titan blood.

What’s even the point in arguing about lore when even chronicles are just “point of view” and been retconned several times.

93 page of chronicle says night elves are dark trolls. But 9.2. might say that it’s to hide Elune true power and they were never trolls


That is, first there were night elves. They stood up as trolls. Then “Elune” “returned” the appearance and abilities of the night elves to the trolls through the well of Eternity.
Did I understand your message correctly?

My message is - lore is trash, doesn’t matter and can be retconned at any moment

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Knowledge can be redrawn seven times per patch, that’s understandable. The changes are much more interesting, or rather the reaction to them. Will the Horde groan that the Horde’s lore is once again found to be wrong (existing example: Tauren religion)? Will the Alliance disown this knowledge by any means, just to have nothing to do with the Horde? Probably yes. But I’ll have reading. Yes…


Знания можно перекроить семь раз за патч, это понятно. Куда интереснее изменения, точнее реакция на них. Будет ли Орда стенать о том, что знания Орды снова признаны неправильными (существующий пример: религия тауренов)? Будет ли Альянс открещиваться любыми способами от этих знаний, лишь бы не иметь ничего общего с Ордой? Скорее всего да. Но у меня будет чтиво. Да…

Night elves descended from Trolls. Accept that and move on. Alliance fanatic.

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And this is where the fun begins. Where did the trolls come from? And what happens when the night elves are called the ancestors of the trolls? Oh yeah…
Joyful chattering of teeth.

Fanatic of the night elf victory. Or a hater of the Horde and humans.

In magazine 5 it were keepers (creatures that were made by titans) and Cenarius, the one who told that from THEIR POINT OF VIEW for no reason cave trolls started to leave at the Well Of The Eternity, and from THEIR POINT OF VIEW magical waters have transformed them into Night Elves.
So, it is still possible that it was actually Elune, who have used the magical powers of the Well to do this transformation magic. Like titans did to create a nature on Azeroth.
It is a fact, that Titans have used this Well to do some Nature Transformations. Nature was not transforming by it self, without Titans manipulations.
We know only that taurens and elves were transformed on their own without titans manipulations, and again from Titans point of view.

That’s not true at all. Or was Cenarius also part of the Willighthammer attacking the Trolls? Or were the Titan keepers Malfurion?

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pretty much this.

they did not, fel addicted blood elf.

This denial of largely irrelevant and all-but-confirmed lore about in-game evolution has disturbing real world implications.

EDIT: Ah, it’s an ancient thread by a euro poster. That explains much.


What denial? Night elves knows better then titans, because they were proven many times wrong.

This thread has certainly proved to be……interesting to say the least. :wolf:

Elves are Trolls that snorted Mana crystals, underwent back surgery and discovered soap.
that’s been established for a while, why is this issue suddenly coming back up?
and why is it always a Night elf trying to preach this Ancient Alien’s tier crap?

If you’ve read Chronicle, which is the current canon, then you know that These are the Dark Trolls and that all elves are descendant from them.

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