Night elves did not descended from trolls

I don’t get why it’s so hard to believe. As far back as the WC3 manual the way it was worded could easily be applied to a subrace of Trolls.


The OP is a role player or someone who is so deep in denial that they might end up denying their own existence.

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Word of God (and we’re not talking about Elune here) says otherwise.

It fits with Elune’s m.o. She doesn’t create creatures, she alters pre-existing ones to suit her design.

if she is indeed…a pantheon of life being, then she indeed create Creatures.

But her lore doesn’t indicate that. Her favorite creatures the moonkin were created by fusing owls and bears. The Scythe of Elune is a fusion of two pre-existing magic items. There is no lore of her creating ANYTHING from scratch.

She may be like Marvel’s Gaea, a protector of life, but not it’s creator… Maybe she interacts with the Titans the same way that Gaia interacted with the Celestial Host who purged all of Gaia’s Cthonic brethern but let her be as they saw that she was not malignant like the rest.

I’m thinking of Elune perhaps as the only Old One who did not turn to the Void.

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The Staff of Elune existed before that, the Tear of Elune was created directly by her, and even the Moonkins are direct creations and not compounds of two races, because bears…and owls together, do not make a Moonkin, a being smart enough to use arcane magic, with a natural tick for protecting random places consecrated to Elune, and living right there too.

You can’t create that by just mixing two animals.

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They do make something that attacks anything that goes near with an indiscriminate rage and that IS what the Moonkin are… Just like the Worgen… another race touched by Elunite magic… see a pattern here?


There are three big ifs to sort out here:

If she really is a member of the Pantheon of Life, then she is responsible for the entire creation of living organisms. That was then the job of the Pantheon of Life.

and if she ´s a first one, then she was responsible for the formation of the cosmos and subsequently for the possibility of the development of life

And if she is the only true deity, then she is responsible for the First ones, which in turn created the other powers afterwards.

No matter in which constellation, somehow we always end up with life.

usually, they don´t attack night elves according to lore, a coincidence? Possible, but I don’t believe it.

Why do you guys respond to obvious bait so easily.

I sincerely hope that this is bait, only way it makes sense.

Of course it’s bait, most of the “Crazy Nelf Posters” are just posting bait, but others on this forum buy it hook line and sinker because it reinforces their own views.


Actually, Moonkin aren’t normally so rage-prone as they are typically shone in game. At least, they weren’t originally. It was only recently that they’ve become somewhat feral, seamingly as a result of the recent absence of Elune’s influence, not because of it.

They’ve also got furbolg syndrome, whereby the player disproportionately encounters moonkin in-game when something is corrupting them or driving them mad.

They aren’t really comparable to worgen because in the case of the worgen, the curse’s rage and savagery comes from the essence of Goldrinn, and Elune’s influence was introduced in an effort to calm that rage. Which ultimately works with modern worgen; it just didn’t pan out at first because the original Druids of the Scythe had become consumed by rage even before they gained the worgen form by way of their desire for vengeance against Malfurion.


It’s not canon, just “according to the titans”.

Because i know that we did not descended from trolls.

There’s no reason to believe the Titans would be wrong about that.

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except that they were proven WRONG many times :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

The vast majority of The Chronicle is right, actually. Basically all of it. The Titans very rarely made recording mistakes.

Whereas there’s no contrary evidence. No facts indicating they’re wrong.
If Einstein got an unrelated math question wrong before, that doesn’t suddenly disprove the theory of relativity.
And really, this is only confirmed by other sources.


speculations. as night elf i know my own lore.

There’s nothing contradicting the Titans (who we have no reason to doubt) and Cenarius (who we have no reason to doubt). Multiple sources corroborate this.

Apparently not.
You’re not a Night Elf. You’re someone who plays a Night Elf. Which I am as well.
Apparently I know it better than you. Especially since there’s no contrary facts at play.


please link , because Bran speculate about origins of night elves, that’s all