Night elves did not descended from trolls

You have a strange conception of responsible…

Ah okay. I’m familiar with the phenomenon, I just didn’t know it had a name.


Wasn’t the Night Elves being formed from Elune retconned to be evolved from Dark Trolls a long while back even before Chronicles? Or is it going to be changed that the Well of Eternity is connected to Elune now?

Yep. It was initially suggested as a possibility by the Troll Compendium, then it was verified in the World of WarCraft Magazine entry about Brann learning a bunch of race origin stuff from the Ancients, the Aspects and the Watchers of UIduar. Some races’ origins like ettins were only speculated on by Brann, but it was specifically singled out that he learned directly from Cenarius and Freya that the night elves indeed descended from trolls.

Chronicles reinforced it with more specifics, such as what sort of trolls (dark trolls) and how that evolution actually took place by way of the Well of Eternity. The only certainties of Elune’s involvement in their actual evolution was that they apparently derived knowledge of certain titan-originating words and concepts like “Kalimdor” and how to access titan relics they found around the Well (possibly the Pillars of Creation) by communing with her through worship, which significantly affected their cultural going forward.

There may be further involvement - the exact shape that resulted from their evolution might indeed still turn out to have in some way been guided by her, or perhaps even them finding the Well of Eternity in the first place - but the literal physiological changes were a result of close exposure to the Well’s radiating energies.


That seems kind of sad though, I know Trolls are pretty much the punching bag of WoW, look at all the old dungeons and raids even newer ones like Dazar’alor. That being said it feels like in order to prop Trolls up, Night Elves being the other punching bag are propped down. While I could be wrong, it just feels like that retcon destroyed all of Night Elven lore, religion, values, and uniqueness. Felt the same way when the Dwarves got outshined by the Humans being descendant of Vrykrul and children of the Titans.

feels like Night Elves have less of a historic connection with Elune. What connection do Night Elves have with Elune now? She just guided them to the Well of Eternity and that’s it? I don’t think that retcon explored the consequences too much and just followed the “Rule of Cool.” Then again does any retcon explore the consequences first? I hope Elune’s connection is explored in Shadowlands since supposedly Tyrande is going to be looking for answers.

I mean, trolls didn’t exactly come out of the retcon “propped up”. I believe the exact wording in Chronicles was “elevated their forms to match their graceful spirits” and “transformed into highly intelligent beings”.

A lore book that was supposed to be from a nonbiased perspective called trolls dumb and ugly. Oh yes, definitely feeling the love now.


Ah fair enough, I just wished both races had their origins separated since it wouldn’t muddle either of them. If wanting to be connected, then maybe along the lines of Trolls connected to the sun (Zandalari seem that way to me, maybe it’s the gold) and Night Elves to the moon. I don’t know, just should have kept them separated since both sides seem to lose. Night Elves are descendants from Trolls but they don’t like that, so it has to be worded that they’ve been elevated and “ascended” making the Trolls look bad.

It’s just like BfA WoT, in order to make the Night Elves losses not as bad, it was written as “Oh but the Horde were fighting their farmers, if the real army was there, they would have been torn to shreds all by themselves!” Which just confuses everything even all the way back to WC3 of Grom beating the Night Elves before Cenarius showed up, let alone how the Horde has survived this entire time, LET ALONE THE 4TH WAR! Oh good lord I’ve gone crossed eye.

There is such a thing as a Golden Moon. Furthermore Bwomsamdi summons a Blood Moon while unleashing Undead Trolls upon the Alliance so their is a Moon theme for both Night Elves and Zandalari!

The only Factions dedicated to the Sun are the High Arakkoa and the Amathet Tol’vir!

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Fair enough but again they should have just kept them separated, it just feels like it caused more problems. Maybe it is just me on this matter, that and dis-like most retcons, only exception is WC3 Orc’s being corrupted by demon blood retcon.

Cool. They confirmed it - In Chronicles. It was radiation that mutated your kind into what you are today. The Well of Eternity did many things that didn’t work out too well eh? Warped y’all up. Used as a gateway to summon demons & corruption, and almost destroyed the world …

Anyway, as stated it’s all in Chronicles - Read up sunshine, it’s time to smell the coffee as your troll ancestors did before taking a step backwards into what you are today :coffee: :slight_smile:

Unlike our glorious kind, born by being arisen from the glory of Azeroth and approached by numerous Loa to be blessed upon.



No you weren’t, you troll. You were created because a mommy dark troll and a daddy dark troll hung around the first azerite eruption a little too long while loving each other very, very much.

Trolls pretending they ain’t mutant trolls is just peak 2021.


It would be like Jinyu pretending they aren’t mutated Murlocs.

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In fairness, other than dwarves, the races of Azeroth (and really Draenor too) seem generally pretty incurious about their own species’ origins, so it’s hardly a surprise that the night elves aren’t particularly interested in finding out where they really came from. They’re far from being alone in that.

In the same vein it’s entirely possible - probable even - that trolls were predated by one or more pre-troll species, but they don’t seem particularly interested in finding out about where they came from any farther back than the rise of Zandalar. Which fits them right in with just about everyone else; with the exception of the Explorer’s League, Azeroth’s and Draenor’s denizens don’t generally seem to care very much about investigating their own peoples’ histories and origins prior to their respective civilizations rising to prominence.

We lore-following players find such things interesting, but the vast majority of the player races in-world don’t really seem to care.

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I just like to imagine that Eredar were Talbuks that stumbled upon some Argunite and slowly mutated. Given the whole “Draenei are space goats” meme, which blizzard has shown to play around with.

We know that Eredar used Argunite long before the Legion came to Argus, as it powered some of their most advanced technology. So they did have ways of mining it. This is also assuming that Argunite is indeed crystalized blood of Argus (the world soul) like how Azerite is Azeroth’s crystalized blood. Given the similar naming of them, this is most likely the case.


Kinda amusing how “classic players” are so much enjoying classic servers that they keep reading and posting on retails forums 24/7.

I can post on whatever char i want.

Why you have to be so cynical? Are you so much upset in your real life that criticizing other people on internet makes you more happier?

That my opinion that i shared. Your post look exactly like low effort garbage troll post to insult me.

Whole chronicles are titans point of view how thing happened on Azeroth.
You can not deny a fact that compedium was first original source of night elves origins. And it does make more sense then “descending from trolls”.

Yes they are.

Why are you like that?

The WarCraft Magazine and the WoW comic about the Shadowhammer acting on Hyjal are both not Titan points of views and both stated the same thing. Night Elves were Trolls. Most things ins Chronicles are true. The Troll Compendium was declared not canon in 2010.

You’ve clearly lost the plot tough.

How should we talk to you if you’re not only ignoring Blizzards lore, but also reality? Get help. I mean it.


no they werent.

if you dont like it dont read it. Also take your own advice and seek for a help.







Some of you never learned the lesson on 4chan and Tumblr last decade to not feed the trolls


There’s a reason I don’t use those cesspools