Night elves did not descended from trolls

Builds character!


If I wanted to do that I would play a RPG!! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :gift_heart:


please trolls, BREATH ASSURE.

But what else would we talk about if we didn’t feel the trolls every once in a while?

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You feed AND feel them?

We got a brave one here ladies and gents :gift_heart:


this is night elf brain rot working overtime

or the work of a master troll (ironic)

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I think it’s night elf brain rot who had a temporary lapse of brilliance :pancakes:

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This is what I get for posting while my eyes aren’t working.


It’s quite alright, I knew what you meant. Figured I would have some fun with it at least :gift_heart:

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It’s weird that this thread was restored by a moderator, just like it was weird that Ereviens threads were sometimes restored.

Anyway we used to be trolls, but now we’re beautiful.

So I think the dark trolls already worshipped Elune and were chosen by her as they were. The goddess would be pretty shallow if she didn’t like them as trolls and changed them to be prettier. I would like to think Elune is better than some common Greek God but what do I know?

The whole thing about being granted graceful forms is just how the Night Elves explained their evolution because they didn’t understand it…kind of like the Adam and Eve myth.


Yes, according to titans night elves evolved from trolls. But since titans were proven many times WRONG, this can’t be consider as" canon "lore.

according to the titans. It’s their version.

But it is canon lore because it was stated in Chronicle which is current canon lore until it is retconed. There’s really no way around that.


according to titans that’s how trolls evolved into nightelves, which is not true.

This will be updated in next expansion, just letting you know the truth.

No, they are - we all are - descended from Dark Trolls. That’s canon.

You are welcome to play a character who believes something different - I am sure plenty of Kaldorei are in denial - but be aware that that is what you are doing.

Current game lore is Dark Trolls -> Well of Eternity -> Night Elves.

The Titans had been killed by Sargeras by the time this went down. They didn’t do it, or make claims about it, or have anything to do with it other than to create the original Well of Eternity.


But it is true.

You don’t know that. And even if it is going to be updated, until it is whatever was stated on Chronicle is still lore canon. Whatever you think it feel about it is irrelevant until we are given new updated information. That has not happened. You’re talking in circles trying to prove a point that completely conflicts with the lore.


Are you sure about that? Holy crap evolution denier in 2021. Fantastic.


And how were we created? She decided to remake some Dark Trolls into her own image.

That’s always been her jam. She doesn’t create new things, she puts new cosmetic touchups on existing things. She made Night Elves from trolls, and guardians by doing that owl and bear matchup thing*.

(and you all thought it was a mad wizard responsible :slight_smile: )


Gotta love these troll threads.


Speaking of trolls, I wanna wear a Sylvanas disguise and go troll Arthas in the Maw now :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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