Night elves did not descended from trolls

I always thought that Elune had turned the Dark Trolls to reflect more of her and also reflect their peaceful personalities and ways of life.

Lol, this keeps getting better and better.

Still, the point stands that the entire Human race does not Worship Tyr. Hell, the entire human race doesn’t worship any one force, and many cases exist of worshipping forces such as Light, Fel, and Void. Therefore, this seems to nullify your belief that a given being is psychologically forced into worshipping the being that creates it.

Therefore, why can’t Elune have created trolls?


Did too.


You know that feeling, you walked into a thread, thought to yourself “Ho, what? A retcon? maybe new lore you don´t noticed” And then got so trolled by the TE?


Yes it. But until we get something official that retcons Chronicle, the history stated in that book remain current.

Now cut it out! You’re making the rest of us look bad.


I postet the link of Dark Trolls talking to Elune. The Lun’alai are also a thing (is it Elune? Who knows).
It’s not a question. Blizzard confirmed that Dark Trolls became Night Elves.

It doesn’t seem that way. No idea what happened during the war and they didn’t seem to like each other that much. But they let them live under Hyjal.

I see… I won’t even bother. You have choosen to ignore Blizzards lore.

The Troll Compendium was on the old website (the very old before the last) .

I’m not at all. Mysteries can be nice. World building is better.


You misread it. Murlocs are Naralex’s deepest fears, which is why the manifestation of his worst nightmare before waking up is a murloc. He is scared of murlocs.

Tyr was dead by that point. As the humans who were spirited away to Trisfal Glades and raised by Vrykul there were told of Tyr’s sacrifice and what Tyr stood for. Vrykul having malformed children is presented as a side affect or a mutation of the curse of flesh. Although they had no idea about the curse of flesh though. At least not directly and its origins.

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I’m going to bookmark this thread and use it as an example of how terrible the NEFPA and their low-effort garbage is.



It’s the cesspool discord NEFPA army. :gift_heart:


So Elune creates a race in her image to worship her by caring for life and nature only to trigger an event that would put Deathwing’s efforts to shame. Talk about ironic lol.

Night Elf hands are the bloodiest.


Not quite, you know, the night elves that are playable…were the resistance) unfortunately. If you want to address the guilty with the bloody hands Nightborne and Naga would be better to addresieren, partly also Thalassic elves, but these have changed sides in WOTA.


HEY! You can’t give context to my comment, it’s not allowed, these are the wow forums see.


Dare I ask what “NEFPA” stands for?

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Night Elf Forum Posting Alt



Night elf forum posting alt. They been a plague since BfA


Technically it was the Resistance who were responsible for the Sundering, the single greatest destructive event in the history of azeroth.

Also, the Resistance were chock full of pro Azshara followers, they just thought that NATURALLY the queen would want the demons gone.

Even Malfurion was like “well, the queen is just MOSTLY awesome” in the begining, which was enough for nearby NE to faint in horror.

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to stop sargeras, but no, not so much, the woe would have destroyed in one way or another, either sargeras take him and the world aswell or…

…still responsible for the event.

im sure all of the other races in the world were a touch angry that the NE performed genocide on a worldly scale without so much as a how-do-you-do

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In fairness Illidan’s interactions with Azshara in the WotA novels made it fairly apparent that the night elves’ overpowering infatuation with and blind loyalty to her wasn’t entirely natural. Azshara basically exuded some form of powerful arcane compulsion or glamour that made everyone else really want to serve her and make her happy.