Night elves did not descended from trolls

they didn’t.

isnt this obvious?

If that is obvious, why do Humans worship the Light? Humans are descended from Vrykul, who were created by the Titans. So why don’t they worship Titans?

And why is it that, if Night Elves are forced into worship of Elune simply by way of being created by her, why is it that some of them so easily turn from her to proclaim Sageras as the True God during the War of the Ancients?

Just seems that being created by something does not imply that one is forced into worship of that something, or even being aware of that something.


You’re right, it can. Originally Night Elves and Trolls had no connection, now they do.

pretty much you are forced until you reach adult age, then it’s up to you.

because they are not vrykuls

Humans are vrykul offshoots due to the curse of flesh so in a sense they are


But that’s a trait of a certain society you may live in, not a psychological drive in your brain forcing you to do so. If Elune created the Night Elves, but no one told the Night Elves of her, not even Elune herself, would they worship her? I think not.

So? The titans are still responsible for their creation. As such, by your logic, they must worship the Titans.

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Should people worship the Old Gods?

Probably. They just wanna spread that sweet sweet truth


Old gods just want to save us from what is to come.

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Save us from duh lite, oh Master N’zoth! Open ma eyes!

So? Humans are humans, they cant descend from something. They just are here.

That’s also, titans think that they descended from vrykuls, false.

. . . You don’t pay attention to quest texts do you? Ymiron king of the vrykul in wrath tried to kill all the malform children that began being birthed by the vrykul, ie the humans and if it wasn’t for Titan keeper tyr humans would’ve been all killed.


vrykuls are humans lol…that my point

So, Vrykul are humans… and Vrykul were created by Titans. IE, why do humans not worship titans?


Human paladins worship Tyr.

it depends what you choose to believe?

The whole point of the “titan point of view” thing is so that Blizzard can keep the lore book malleable in case they want to, or accidentally retcon something else later.

Is it possible that they change their minds and break the connection, retconning it so that night elves aren’t descended from trolls? Sure, if they put out new material. That’s why they made the in-universe excuse of the titans being fallible.

As it stands, though? Night elves currently came from trolls. You’d need to ask Blizzard to add new lore and storylines that supercede that, in the same way that the Chronicles books currently supercede that old in-game book you were referencing in your OP.


I’m personally of the belief that having mysteries or unanswered questions about origins is the best route for fantasy. Did Elune create the kaldorei or did they evolve from dark trolls? I hope it’s not too controversial to say that it reminds me of a parallel in the real world pertaining to questions about divine origin or evolution.

There are very few clear-cut answers in real life, and our understanding of the answers we believe we have change over time. Echoing or imitating that in fiction makes it more realistic and more engaging, at least for me, and I think that’s what they’re going for here.

P.S. Kudos for the well-written and obviously well thought out post.


This thread makes me think that one day, we will learn that Azshara was actually born a Dark Troll who became a Night Elf through some witch craft, because she learned that the Well of Eternity had changed Trolls to Night Elves before she was born.

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Do you have a source for this? I never have seen evidence of this, even in the Questlines where we retrieve his weapons, either in the quest text or the actual dialogue.

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I read about in google. A lot of info , you can search by yourself