Night elves did not descended from trolls

No we don’t.
And where did the NEs come from then?


Elune created their bodies

Please link to your source

Read OP, explained

Also, as a night elf i can confirm this.

I did.

The best it says its inconclusive but many other things point towards the Trolls evolving to NEs.

Since you have no posted any contesting evidence I will be opting to not believe you

I just told how it is actually, you may believe or not up to you.

Night Elves are the mortal avatars of the Goddess Elune. The idea they evolved from trolls is Alliance propaganda in an attempt to discredit Kaldorei divinity.

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I blame the blueberry trees personally. See, it’s a really a giant conspiracy so no one notices their quiet take over of the fruit world.

Does…does that count? :wolf:

The Well of Eternity is the wellspring of arcane magic, not life. Draenor for instance did just fine without one.

Don’t let Amadis (among others) catch you roleplaying here. He will give you a Stern Look.

What did Amadis (and maybe you) say about roleplaying here?

Sorry, yeah… I misread it. The Well of Eternity merely accelerated the cycles of growth and rebirth, and it caused sentient beings to evolve from the land’s primitive life forms.

The variety and complexity of said life was probably a result of the arcane energy. Given how an abundance of Spirit caused the Evergrowth to expand out of control on Draenor, it’s reasonable to speculate that the acceleration of life blooming on Azeroth may have come from the Well’s arcane waters also containing a high concentration of the Spirit that the World-soul had previously been drawing into itself and away from the surface.

Yes, that is so obvious…

i’m starting to see why our troll brothers think you guys need to get knocked down a peg…


Need to burn some more Night Elves.

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You volunteering to go first?

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She’s got you there.

No. I am not a Night Elf, I am human.


I doubt even that.

You got me.

I am a cat on the internet.


My scans indicate that this individual is not in fact an evolved troll that is known as a Night Elf but more likely one of their unsophisticated and unevolved predecessors. A troll. Warts and all.

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