Night elves did not descended from trolls

How dareth thou, I am as a matter of fact, part of the feline species on these internets.

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rolls up newspaper

back to the bridge with you!

Newspaper is for the dog. Spray bottle for cats.


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newspapers are also for trolls.

You swat them on their big warty nose.

how dare you? you can go and do this for yourself.

Threatening to burn night elves is disrespectful, and frankly, terrible for the environment.

You gotta mulch them and work their remains into the soil.

he is mad because i revealed the truth about night elf origins, which are not related anyhow with trolls.

You are posting on a night elf toon, a druid at that. Is your character a night elf serial killer?

Druids do turn into kitties so there is that.

I do usually say that Teldrassil burning was an inside job.

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Horde catapults couldn’t possibly have caught a giant living tree on fire. I always suspected something of the sort…

I’ve always found Malfurian suspicious. I keep hearing he spends a lot of time “sleeping.” What is he really up to?

He did never really like the idea of Teldrassil, Teldrassil was Fandral’s idea.


Not only that, but if the Dragonflights didn’t intervene, Teldrassil was already on it’s way to becoming a nightmare infected canker sore

Actually the corruption got fixed in Cata I believe.

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Nop it didn’t. They tried to, but it was made clear corruption stayed to deep in the world tree.

It did. Malfurion fixed it.

“Malfurion, upon returning to Darnassus, discovered that a remnant of a great evil he had sealed away had attached itself to Teldrassil. This corrupted the tree and drove it mad, spreading its evil to everything around it. The archdruid managed to remove this parasite, and eventually restored the tree to what it once was. Alexstrasza, impressed that the tree could prosper alone without her influence or her kin’s, blessed it belatedly. The tree flourishes even more under the gift from the Life-Binder, even if still being unable to return the night elves’ immortality”


No he did not. He tried, but he failed. This was later confirmed, after your description. I only forgot where. This now happened a long time ago.

The Stormrage novel happened before the Catalysm quests.

Malfurion removed the corrupted branch.

In Wolfheart we learn that Malfurion was keeping an eye at Teldrassil, knowing that pockets of the Nightmare’s taint was still in the Emerald Dream, so Teldrassil was still vulnerable.

At some point Teldrassil stopped recovering, and the Nightmare’s corruption started to resurface on top of the tree. The corruption was deep in the tree, but thanks to the Dragonflights’ blessings, the corruption was forced to the surface and this resulted in what we see in the new Catalysm quests.


Ah Wolfheart that was it, thanks!

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