Night elves did not descended from trolls

While that’s true, funny enough the Amani only had this hatred (not as developed as later, sure) towards the High Elves from the get go, because of the Kaldorei Empire.
Edit: You also touched upon this, I think.


What if i am night elf playing night elf character in this game?

But it’s not true, night elves did not descended from trolls.


Technically, this is correct, as “Descend” implies a gradual progression through birth from one species to another. No troll gave birth to a Proto-Night Elf which gave birth to a Full Night Elf. (actually, we don’t really know how it happened but lets go with this.)

So, you’d be correct assuming that the account of the Night Elve’s transformation was within the lifespan of the First Night Elves.

Well, I think it was stated that a tribe of dark trolls settled near the Well of Eternity, and the being near the water eventually transformed the dark trolls, physically and mentally. They changed forms entirely and they became more intelligent.

So yeah, in a sense it is quite true that Night Elves did not descend from trolls. They are another form of troll :thinking:

Sorry, but night elves are a product of evolution, not of divine origin.

In time, the dark trolls also discovered an enormous lake of scintillating energies, a lake they would later know as the Well of Eternity. Mesmerized by their discovery, the dark trolls settled along the Well of Eternity’s shores. Over generations, the energies radiating from the lake suffused the trolls’ flesh and bones, elevating their forms to match their graceful spirits. They transformed into highly intelligent and virtually immortal beings. These former trolls gradually abandoned their ancient heritage and traditions. The tribe’s mystics began worshipping the moon goddes, Elune, who they believed was bound to the Well of Eternity itself. They claimed that the deity slumbered within the fount’s depths during daylight hours. The former trolls also discovered the name ‘Kalimdor’ and other titan-forged words from communing with Elune and investigating strange artifacts scattered around the Well’s periphery. Influenced by this newfound language, they called themselves kaldorei ‘children of the stars’ or night elves.

  • World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1 page 93.

You might be right that it is kinda evolutionary too. Atleast, the book specifically states that it took generations, and the trolls were supposedly not immortal before - this can only mean that the Well of Eternity made the trolls give birth to somewhat different looking being over time.

So Dark Trolls>Kal‘Dorei >Quel,dorei>Sin‘Dorei>Ren‘dorei

Well, neither Sin’dorei or Ren’dorei are not different races per say.
Sin’dorei and Ren’dorei are just different ways of saying Quel’dorei.

Kinda like Kaldorei and Quel’dorei, Night Elf and Highborne, they were essentially the same race, the latter just felt more evelated due to their magical prowess. Think of it like royalty or celebrities IRL. There are not really anything special about them, culturally we just apply something special to them.

no, trolls are involved in this. We are not trolls never been.

Then what are you doing on these forums if not being a troll?



We all be trolls mon, even the naga and satyr are trolls

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Man who wouldve thought we’d be arguing creationism v evolution in a wow forum


we’ve been here since January, i’m almost out of popcorn.

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Night elves are just mutants.

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May I suggest mixing together Buncha Crunch with fresh popcorn?

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That would imply a natural origin. That can’t be farther from the truth.

Night Elves are a product of both a Titan creation, the First Well of Eternity, and manipulation by the being they call Elune, and possibly others.

“We”? Are you roleplaying boyo?

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A titan creation? I assume you mean the first Well of Eternity was the titan creation, the Well of Eternity is supposedly the reason for all life that eventually came to be on Azeroth. Manipulation from Elune seems plausible, especially if Elune looks like a Night Elf, which we can assume she does seeing as Cenarius and other dryad-like demi gods are the offspring of Elune and Malorne.

It still took generations, appearantly, for Elune to completely shape the Night Elves in her own image though.

Imagine being the first dark troll parents to find out that your weird purple baby doesn’t have any regeneration ability. It’d be distressing.


We all RP on these forums.

Just wanted to let you know true origin of night elves