Night elves did not descended from trolls

The Titans and Cenarius, their demi-god.

I have yet to see any contrary evidence to these extremely well regarded sources.

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he didn’t said anywhere that night elves descended from trolls.

Confirming “Dark Trolls -> Night Elves” on an evolution chart is confirming that, yes.

Again, time and again, you’ve not put contrary evidence. Only cast aspersions on those good sources confirming this.

If a developer said it, you’d probably just try to insist how they don’t count.


Uneliable Narrator and all that jazz and people wonder why the lore is in the mess it’s in. If blizz doesn’t trust themselves to keep it straight, I don’t blame people for not believing anything they say.

(NEs still descended from trolls, for the time being anyway. And that’s assuming blizz still remembers that’s actually a thing)

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The sad thing is that when The Chronicle was introduced it was ‘a definitive lore compendium’. It was meant to answer all the questions. The whole ‘Titan Perspective’ was only retconned later after months or like over a year to allow them to retcon stuff without admitting it.


Night elves are devolved Trolls. Full stop.


Chronicles mentions the Well but we know that you dismissed that because of stupid reasons.

I really hate it when people RP on non-RP forums. Grow up please. The only “evidence” you have is your own personal feelings. Facts don’t care about your feelings.

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That night elves did not descended from trolls.

We all RP on these forums. Check your avatar, that’s a first sign.

I understand it is painful to admit your ancestors were once trolls - that’s like being descended from gnolls or troggs or murlocs - but everyone has to start somewhere. Spare a thought for the primitives that weren’t lead to the Well of Eternity and are damned to exist to this very day as trolls. The night elves could have it much worse.


because i know the truth, we are not trolls, and did not descended from them.

Is this thread just a attempt to convince yourself?

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Not sure what they’re trying to convince themselves of, that they’re actually a night elf or that night elves didn’t come from trolls.

I’m frightened by what the answer is :wolf:

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This is one of the few time that i actually hope that OP is just trolling.


No we do not.

Not it is not.

I don’t see why any of that would be painful. It shouldn’t matter who someone’s ancestors are.

Though, in this case, it was Trolls. Yes. But that doesn’t really reflect on the Night Elves.

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Moreover it’s not like the night elves spent centuries fighting trolls up close for survival, building up a shared enmity that went both ways like the high elves did with Amani territory right there launching raids and mounting a military campaign that threatened to come within striking distance of their only real city.

The trolls hated the kaldorei, but as far as the other way around, to most night elves the trolls were little more than a distant border nuisance that their armies systematically steamrolled as their empire grew. There wasn’t really much reason for them to reciprocate the trolls’ hatred and resentment at being displaced as the world’s dominant power, because their population centers were never really at risk. Heck, once Azshara made her deal with the Zandalari, the night elves as a nation never really fought any trolls again until the Third War. To them, having originated from trolls would just mean they became something “stronger and better” than the trolls.

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Yes, blizzard can always change the lore, and have changed lore before.

But thus far, Night Elves devolving from trolls have not been changed.


let’\s face it. Chronicles are not real, whatever is written in there may be not true or actually not true.

As night elf, i know we are not descended from trolls.

As long there is not any evidence apart from Brann speculations it will remain as so.

You are not a night elf.
Your character is.

They are real until blizzard thinks up something else.

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Word of God says otherwise.

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Trolling with a Blood Elf avatar is the new thing in this subforum.