Night elves did not descended from trolls

I can’t link the magazine, I don’t have an online copy. Says Cenarius, Freya, and others verify the speculation.

Again, nothing is indicating The Chronicle is wrong.

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What would be wrong if elves evolved from Trolls?

Elves are just trolls but magically superior.
I mean look at the feet, who would want to have a toe coming out of their heel?

Ew. Like I can’t even. :face_vomiting:

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My character doesn’t accept the idea but the physiognomic simmilarities are hard to deny to an unbiased observer. Night Elves are a lot more simmilar to trolls than they are to Naga but the ties to the latter are even more undeniable.

Magazine Volume 2, Issue 1. Page 91.

Text is above a drawn arrow linking Dark Trolls as ancestors of Kaldorei:

“Tribunal o’ ages, Freya, Cenarius. All o’ them confirm. This’ll ruffle some feathers, tae be sure.”

Not able to post literal links here, but the relevant pages can be found in picture form on the “World of Warcraft: The Magazine Volume II Issue I” entry on Wowpedia, at the top-left of Page 91.


It’s not correct. the only thing, only thing said in that article was “Dark Trolls–> Kal’dorei, confirmed by Freya, Cenarius and Tribunal of the Ancients, this should ruffle some feathers”

That’s it. No mention of the Well, no mention or a time line. Nothing. This is the problem with fans, especially when it comes to meddling with Night Elf lore. The association with the Well is assumed, not implied or expressed.

I have a serious issue with that magazine and all the fan speculation surrounding it. Brann also said the Drakkari were extinct in the magazine, but there they are in Pandaria, in large numbers…

Cenarius says nothing in game about trolls, to trolls, or to Night Elves regarding trolls etc.

Cenarius memory is a little foggy, he doesn’t seem to remember crafting an axe and giving it to an Orc 10000 years ago. So what does he remember properly from earlier? The tribunal of the ancients already has inconsistencies and contradiction with Titan lore as well.

The only thing I find accurate about that magazine with respect to everything else is the “this is sure to ruffle a few feathers” part. Cause it certainly did.

We did not descended from trolls, as night elf i can confirm this.

This is literally what we are discussing.

As a Night Elf player, I can confirm The Titans and Cenarius have no contrary information against their own. And are very trustworthy.


i did not mean in that way. Also you can re read again what is written.

A mention of the Well or a timeline isn’t necessary when we’re talking just about whether or not Night Elves come from Trolls.

Again, you have never given solid contrary information that’s more trustworthy from multiple sources.

You’re alleging numerous immortals are wrong just cause.

well, night elves are (were) immortals too XD

and brann for sure was drunk…when he “heard” of that

No living night elf can confirm or disprove it because despite being long-lived, no living night elf would have been alive when the first night elves evolved. That’s like Brann claiming that being a dwarf is why he knows about their origins as earthen; he knows because he researched it and spoke with immortal eye-witnesses, not because he was there when it happened.

The inconsistencies in the Tribunal were specific to events surrounding Loken’s culpability in murdering Sif, instigating war between the titan-forged around Ulduar and allowing himself to be manipulated into both by Yogg-saron. The evolutionary origin of the night elves is irrelevant to all of those things. Falsifying it would serve no purpose.

Cenarius and Freya were there when it happened. You weren’t, and until we’re told otherwise and it’s revealed that there are still day-one kaldorei running around, neither was any actual night elf living today in the lore.

You are not a night elf. “As a night elf I can confirm this” is a meaningless statement. This is not a roleplaying forum. As a player who clicked the “Story Forum” link and not the “World’s-end Tavern: Role-play and Fan Fiction Forum” link to get here, I can tangibly and quantitatively confirm that.


Night Elves were only immortal after The Sundering. Not really relevant.

The Titans, their servants, and Cenarius were immortal before then.

Now you’re peddling headcanon about Brann being drunk regarding actual lore.

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Being dead can do that to you. :slight_smile:

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nobody said that they did it. But they can be wrong and are.

How do you know i was not there? Assuming?

Yes i am night elf in this world. So .

It is NOT. My race my lore my world. Thank you.

You can roleplay whatever you want but the canon of the universe clearly state they did. :man_shrugging:


I can’t believe you guys are still humouring this thread.



Night elves did not descended from trolls.

It is literally impossible for you to have been around for an event that did not happen in-game and is entirely fictional.

It isn’t your race, your lore, or your world.

It is Blizzard’s. And so far they’ve said Night Elves come from Trolls several times.


source? because they did not.

You’ve been given the sources several times.

The Chronicle.
The Warcraft Magazine.


OH…those two …then yes according to the titans night elves descended from trolls.

But that is not true. Trolls and night elves are not related.