Night Elves confirmed as being "nearly wiped out"

For all you know, Madeline Roux is probably penning a short story regarding the Night Elves as we speak. :sunglasses:

The Blood Elves still had a potential for a future back then, and even more importantly: writers that wanted them to be part of the future.

No, they showed me that we freed a very small amounts and that the other were beyond saving, so we gave up on it and forgave Sylvanas instead. That’s it. No resolution, no renewal, nothing.
They are gone from Azeroth, their zones are either destroyed or taken by the Horde so they can’t rebuild anywhere and their souls are also gone forever so that a mass revival can’t happen.

No, why would she?

Besides, the Night Elves only get the minimum attention when it comes to making them suffer and getting abused without being able to defend themselves or strike back.

Sorry but Night elves are attractive scantily clad warrior women and hairy bear men. Those have no place in wow.


Do you understand what the term “resolution” means for a story? It means that the sory has been told and what has happened has been detailed and progressed through.

It does not mean all the bad things that happen get magically reset away… unless of course your story is an episode of Star Trek: Voyager.

The Blood Elves lost NINETY PERCENT of their population when Arthas and the Scourrge paid them a social call back in the days of the RTS. Yet they’re stil lhere.

The Night Elves are now in that same boat. Hopefully the survivors will get into that old pre-immortality classic habit of making some babies .


Hey, at least they can make babies, dragons can’t even do that. And before anyone says anything, no I dont think dragons are doomed to die out. To the contrary, I still believe Velen’s vision.


The players will die out before the Dragons do.

Tbf, in Shadows Rising she was able to make being around the night elves pretty terrifying. If anyone is capable of writing the night elves as what or even close to what people have been begging for for years, then I’d gladly have her write anything connected to them from this point forward.

They’re probably still doing better than the blood elves, what with the civil war against Kael’thas and all the other splintering. And even the blood elves can hold three zones with a little support here and there.

:eyes: Nightborne :eyes:

Do we get to burn it again in new and fun ways? Like a repeatable daily quest?


That would make my day.

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Liking this comment so that in 6 months from now someone can link it as proof we hate Night Elves.

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Certainly gives the impression some y’all dislike the players who play Night elves, not gonna lie. :wolf:


His joke was a bit tasteless-Doness.

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Especially when him and ren know how NE and worgen fans feel about teldrassil. But some will continue to antagonize us and than wonder why we lash out with anger over it. :wolf:


My Mechagnome supports the victims of Teldrassil.

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Does that Skeletal Pinky Racial of yours have an Ashtray setting?

You know who Curse is baiting… They’re asking for it but I did expect better of him.


At least when they say they strikes a match off of themmself, you know that they’re in character.

“The Night Elves being gone forever” is not an acceptable resolution.

Except that the Blood Elves still have their city and had some lands, and the writers wanted blood elves to exist.

I’m just not sure why one would think that the Night Elves are getting a short story. All they get is the minimum attention to make them go through unending suffering.