Night Elves confirmed as being "nearly wiped out"

I haven’t seen the proof that most Night Elf souls were destroyed. A resurrection could still happen.

They have had a good 10,000 years run. Had demigods, a Goddess, we’re savior’s of the world multiple times. Perhaps it’s just there time. Of course they won’t be completely gone due to whatever that renewl thing Tyrande chose, and you know the actual player night elves but yea I guess narrative wise after all this finishes night elves will be taking a back seat.

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Since the Night Elves are wiped out I guess there isn’t any point in reclaiming Northern Kalimdor now. Oh well, at least it means the Alliance gets to keep Lordaeron.

The proof is that we only freed a very small portion (100 of 1000 that actually died in Teldrassil, and many more died in Ashenvale & Darkshore).
We also never got any new quests to save them, meaning that there’s no hope for them left anyway. Also, Danuser’s comment confirms that the night elves being nearly wiped out is a permanent thing.

Well the Horde has most of it anyway, the Alliance just has a destroyed and blighted Darkshore left and nobody to inhabit it anyway with the Horde right at their doorstep in Ashenvale so …

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It’s actually a relief. The Alliance always felt stretched too thin defending Northern Kalimdor and the Night Elves were always a vulnerability that the Horde could threaten in order to diplomatically box the Alliance in. With them gone there’s nothing to stop the Alliance from re-consolidating the Eastern Kingdoms and maybe finally turning the page on the Third War.

You know they compared Garrosh’s trial to the Nuremberg trials, then said Sylvanas made him look like an amateur?


Garrosh’s crimes are so freaking quaint now lmfao


There’s a weekly quest to keep saving more, and we might save more later. He never said it was permanent, either.


How can you be so callous to one of your faction’s core races?

Because there is nothing I can say or do that will make them feel better.

Who is ready to come out of the Shadowlands right before the Burning of Teldrassil?!

Because we want in game resolutions for issues plaguing both the NE and worgen that have gone unaddressed for YEARS now. Nice words on the story forum doesn’t cut it :wolf:


Well, he clearly said he was fine with the Night Elves getting killed.

I wish, we’ll return to an Azeroth without Night Elves

Light forbid they do something to make me happy in 9.2.

Yeah well, I don’t really care what aihn thinks

Given how they treat female employees the Night Elf issue shouldn’t be a surprise.


It’s not surprising. It’s actually quite disgusting that they STILL have this raging hatred for a women led society, given everything going on with them.

This entire dev team is beyond tone dear and arrogant :wolf:


Exactly what I’ve been thinking ever since this whole lawsuit came out.

No wonder the Night Elves are being treated like this.

And it’s so sad because to me, the Night Elves were the most precious thing to ever come out of Blizzard, and I still can’t believe that it’s over just like this.
Just like this the Night Elves are no more…


OK, the usual hyperbole…

'Nearly wiped out" is not the same as “wiped out”. They are in the same situation the Blood Elves were in during Burning Crusade.

In the Night Fea quest line, you have Tyrande talking about freeing NE souls and getting revenge on Sylvanas. Then you go off and see some souls and Tryande is all “now I can go get revenge”. Meanwhile there aren’t NE souls in the Heart of Forest.

This is Blizzard telling you they were freed? Did they show you freeing thousands? No. Just like when and entire race moves and they show one or two ships. That is how Blizzard doest things.

Did the NE suffer a tragic loss? Sure? Is this the “end” of them? No.

If you want to ignore this, you can. But why? Is feeling made about the story (but keeping your account active for some reason) better than just moving on?