Night Elves confirmed as being "nearly wiped out"

This argument is not going to go well. I don’t think what you’re saying has any lore basis.

Everything has, you just refuse to accept it for some reason although it’s all crystal clear

What’s crystal clear? That I hate Night Elves? I don’t.

I don’t know if you do, but the writers certainly do.

Oh, you were talking about the Night Elves’ extinction being crystal clear?

That and the other things I mentioned. Danuser even said it in the interview and people kept telling me that I was wrong.

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I feel like this is being very melodramatic. The gnomes have been “nearly wiped out”, the Draenei have been “nearly wiped out”, and so have the Sin’dorei. And they are just fine and dandy.

The Kaldorei have had a decent chunk of story presence since Legion, so they are not hurting in any capacity- and there is still more to come.

Tyrande, Malfurion and Kaldorei were the main factors of the Val’sharah storyline. We were able to see their characterization shine.

Then we have them also present in the Suramar storyline, where Tyrande is at odds with Thalyssra and her horde counterparts, the Sin’dorei.

We then jump to BfA where the prepatch involved the Horde invading their lands, which yes- was terrible. But despite the atrocity we were able to truly see how fierce and cunning the Kaldorei are, especially in their own lands. They stood strong against the Horde for much longer than others likely would.

Then the Alliance get a story about the Kaldorei returning to reclaim their lands, and even performing an ancient ritual to embody the fury of their goddess. They win the battle of Darkshore and set up shop in Hyjal.

We then see another somewhat important role for the Kaldorei in Nazjatar when the factions fight against the Naga. It is their former Queen, with the Kaldorei serving as the Alliance’s kind of “in”, with knowledge of what we are seeing- with the Nightborne being their counterpart.

Then we are able to see Tyrande flex her badarse muscles with the execution of Nathanos in the ShL prepatch, and she is the only leader to successfully repel Forsworn from abducting her. She then flings herself into the maw and refuses to leave until she hunts Sylvanas down.

Ardenweald then allows you to personally save Kaldorei souls- notable named ones as well, from the Maw on behalf of Ysera/Shandris who are there. No other race, who no doubt similarly have many people in the maw, were able to do such a thing. These souls now are able to live peacefully in Ardenweald, an eternal land of nature.

Tyrande also gets another badass moment here and personal one on one with her Goddess, who we find out is the Winter Queen’s sister.

All of this leads into another confrontation between Tyrande and Sylvanas in 9.2 now that she is in custody.

So my point in listing all this is…despite their loss at the start of BfA, I feel like we have seen the Kaldorei accomplish some incredible feets, and have gotten quite a lot of story content in general.

In comparison, for example, the Forsaken really have received no story spotlight to rectify losing their two main leaders, their city- not to mention HOW they lost their Queen, being called nothing but scum. Same with other races who have received losses throughout the years such as Draenei, Sin’dorei and Gnomes.

The Kaldorei will be fine, not to mention Darkshore, Ashenvale and Teldrassil were hardly the only places they inhabited, unlike the other races which were practically all comprised in the attack area.

So while we may not get another entire city in-game, they will be fine.


The difference is that the Forsaken’s downfall is a consequence of their own behavior. The Forsaken have been largely destroyed but they never really stopped being the authors of their own fate.

I’m generally ambivalent towards Night Elves but Teldrassil being destroyed wasn’t the Night Elves fault. They were just, for whatever reason, in the Horde’s way.

That being said, you’re correct that this isn’t just a Night Elf problem, but a problem that is largely applied to the entire Alliance, which largely consists of refugees, people whose civilizations and homes have been destroyed, etc. who get no recourse and are just forced to deal with it as the glorified refugee encampment that is Stormwind claims another diaspora.


No one said that it was the Kaldorei’s fault, or the Forsaken’s fault. I was just analyzing the story content of each, and beyond.

Not even just the Alliance, almost every race has been decimated into oblivion at least once.

But Kaldorei are certainly dealing with their situation unlike all other examples.


The Blood Elves were nearly wiped out too.

20 years later, we’re still here. Hell, we’re even sprouting Allied Races.

You’ll be fine.

Yeah, cause they’re gonna delete your NE characters any day now! :roll_eyes:


Did we really, though? I remember killing a bunch and it was clearly meant to be pitiful. They’d say stupid things like “I’m just defending my home!” and “I pity you”.

I think you writing this fluff piece about how clearly badass the Night elves are doesn’t reflect the actual sentiment that they’re extremely pathetic. Nobody gets out of the story what you’re putting down here. Nobody has gotten the impression that Night elves are still relevant at all. They are absolutely a joke.

The Blood elves and Draenei still have homes and territory to call their own, and Gnomes have long been ignored but they are second to none in the arena of engineering. That is still unique to them. Night elves do not even have a mastery over druidism anymore, and nobody cares about their connection to Elune because Elune is basically impotent. If they ever write Elune to be super relevant in the future and she brings her full power to bear against whatever cosmic enemy we fight next, it will just raise the question of why she didnt do that for her ‘favored children’.


I already deleted mine, I wouldn’t mind it if Blizzard actually just deleted Nelves altogether. They’re not even the masters of the one arena they used to be anymore, Druidism. We have Worgen and Kul’Tiran for that. Just give Humans druids when you delete Night elves. Their goddess is an actual moron and doesn’t do anything to help them so they’re pretty much idiots for worshiping her too. What else?

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The blood elves had writers that wanted them to keep existing. The Night Elves don’t with their souls obliterated and them having nowhere to go even if they DID still exist.

80% of Azeroth’s land surface is charred ruins at this point.

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Again, your lack of reading comprehension might be why you misunderstand the lore and are always so wrong.

As in - they were not wiped out.

If they didn’t throw in the word nearly, you might be right, for once. But they actually confirmed that the Night Elves were not wiped out - by saying they nearly were.

I am glad Blizzard confirmed the Night Elves were not wiped out. You should be thrilled.


Well this is a dead horse Blizzard loves coming back to. Sad to see night elves being reduced to nomad hobos and farmhands in Stormwind now they don’t seem to have a promising future.

The Alliance is basically a giant group of hobos and Stormwind is the biggest hobo camp, with Anduin Wrynn as the Hobo King.

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Oh no! It will be interesting to see Aliance and most importantly kul’tirans and night elf players (and maybe orcs and forsaken for obvious reasons) being forced to help Sylvanas on her new journey in the next patch :rofl:

Really? Thats great, they are annoying.

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Well, at least night elves can be like us worgen players now. Where blizz largely forget they exist just to use them as a throw away plot device years later.