Night Elves confirmed as being "nearly wiped out"

We will see then wont we?

Hyjal is not neutral. Darkshore can be restored, and we don’t know the status of Ashenvale. We’ll learn in the book.


We’ve been saying wait and see in regards to the night elves since forever.


We have seen enough to say that nothing positive will ever happen to Night Elves or their story, the obliteration of their souls and forgiving Sylvanas was the final nail.

It is, there are many Horde members there.

By whom? By the handful of Night Elves still left in Azeroth with the entire Horde right at their doorstep?

We do, we heard multiple times that the Horde has it.

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Given that Tiragarde is still up we can expect things to basically be at their Cata level, which is incredibly disappointing.

Not true. It was specially mentioned in Exploring EK that Southshore was retaken by the Alliance.

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The problem with, ‘wait and see,’ is that patch 13.2 is going to come out, it’ll contain an updated Hyjal, there will be a city around Nordrassil, and that city will be destroyed. We’ll be told the Night Elves had been living in this promising, once-magnificent looking city before it got destroyed by Voidlord Lor’themar Theron at the behest the new Loa of the dead, Talanji.


Even so, it means literally nothing for territories to be held in a book. Blizzard has done that several times. “Oh, the Alliance/Night elves won these battles. Totally, it was really epic, you shoulda seen it.”


Not anymore. It’s only a Night elf zone now.

Yee, there are a handful, but they can still rebuild and the Alliance can help them.

This is false.


There’s your mistake, the Night Elves don’t live, they don’t even exist anymore.

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So the Alliance is due for a new race, you say? My vote is for Dragons. Let’s get Alexstraza up in this business.


This is not true and also never stated anywhere.

The Alliance doesn’t care about them, and they also have nowhere to go. With so few of them left, they also don’t have a future population wise.

We have hard confirmation in a good war, in 8.1 and then in the Shadowlands pre patch because it took the Night Elves until then to get Darkshore back.

Don’t make dragons playable. They’re too powerful, and you would have to water them down.

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It’s mentioned that the Night Elves made their home there. Of course, the Horde is gone.

Those don’t reflect what happened after the Fourth War.

You keep making these claims. You can’t prove any of that.

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Dragons really aren’t though. I mean, if you’re honest with yourself, we passed the point of worrying about how powerful a race naturally is when we got Draenei. 25,000+ year old masters of magic and light which flew around in inter-dimensional space ships with their personal saviors, the holy wind-chime chorus.

Now we’ve got Draenei with extra light, and also Void Elves. The Void has corrupted dragons, titans, and gods alike, but we’ve got a race which mastered that power like nothing else ever could.

Dragons are practically small potatoes at this point.


Would prefer Ethereals.


In the words of Luke Skywalker from the 2nd best SW movie…

“It’s time…for the Night Elves…to end.”


I’d love an Arab-themed race, as an Egyptian myself.

I agree Blizzard is horrible when it comes to just Blizzard potraying Alliance gain in game. But at least it is something. Better then arguing for the next decade that Ashenvale is still Horde territory. Also, based on Danuser’s interview we are going back to Azeroth. Hopefully next expansion.

No it’s not. It’s only mentioned as the location of choice for Tyrande’s meeting with Thrall.

Uh the Horde is not just going to gift an entire zone to the Alliance that they have full control of.
The Alliance also wouldn’t push for it for an extinct race.

They aren’t claims, they only have a destroyed darkshore with the Horde right next to them and they are near extinct, so no there can’t be a future for them, especially with their souls also obliterated.