Night elves being Alliance was a mistake

Shouldn’t be Horde either.

Ever since they joined the Alliance, it’s been downhill for them.

Alliance doesn’t care about them, when night elves help the Alliance, they don’t return the favor and just let them die and/or refuse to help and/or make sorry excuses


Just another thinly veiled Anduin hating thread from Lunnaya


No it’s not.

It has been this way ever since they joined the Alliance. They lend a hand, the Alliance except the worgen, won’t lend a hand whenever the Night elves need help


You people are really out of touch with reality aren’t you?
Those “Night Elves should quit the Alliance” threads popping up all the time are getting annoying really quickly.


They should.

The Alliance doesn’t care about them, all they have done is been trouble for the night elves


Not sure if dumb or just troll.

For the Alliance! Btw


All elves are welcome in the new new faction. Blood Elves, Night Elves, Forsaken Elves, Nightborne and Void Elves. Depending on where Rise of Azshara goes maybe even the Naga. If we stand together we outnumber those pesky other races!


Well Anduin did lend them a powerful Alliance asset. The hero. Think about it, we change the tide of war, kill every boss that tries/tried to destroy the world and saved everyone countless times. In the worst of all situations, we are called on.

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We aren’t canon

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Putting aside the fact that we were tricked into thinking the Horde had other plans, immediately retaliated by invading Undercity - where Sylvanas was based, needed new allies to counter the Horde’s new allies - the Zandalari, and were being stretched thin while helping our new allies; who were also constantly being attacked by the Horde…

Turning your back on the Alliance now would be to turn your back on the people who the Horde are fighting against. So not only would it make their job of destroying the Alliance easier, but it would make your job of defeating the Horde harder. This is why teamwork is essential. It gives the enemy other people to shoot at. Besides, even if the night elves never did side with the Alliance, do you really think the Horde would’ve left them alone? I personally doubt it.

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Have you ever started a diary… I think starting a diary would be a good thing for you.


You do realize the third option is not being playable at all?


We already had a thread on this topic …

But it wasn’t her topic so it doesn’t count


This isn’t about them joining the horde

Then where are they supposed to go? It’s a 2 faction game. Alliance or Horde, those are your options.


She doesn’t know, that’s why she’s dodging the question


I’m confused. Isn’t the reason the alliance are fighting the horde in Kalimdor since classic is to help the night elves?


Its time for all elves to leave and create their own faction!

This new faction will contain all elves:
Night Elves
Blood Elves
Void Elves
Gnomes (Short Elves)


Actually… we are.

The lore term is “Adventurer”. Although few, if any, are known as individuals, as a class they are recognized in lore as those remarkable people who can defeat entire armies of low-level grunts single handed, who face off against the darkest and foulest of foes, and who are essential and an inherent part of history. Rarely do we know their names, many do not even seem to have a particular allegiance beyond some attachment to either the Horde or the Alliance-- and that more lip-service than otherwise, save in times of war-- but always it’s they that stand in the final battles.

True, it may be a name like Thrall, or Varian, or Khadgar (lots) that holds the title, who strikes the final blow, but few argue that said blow could ever be cast without the efforts and sacrifices of the Adventurers, nameless scoundrels, mercenaries… and heroes.

Hell yeah, we’re canon.