Night elves being Alliance was a mistake

This again? Do you ever stop complaining about Nelfs? :roll_eyes:


Please stop parroting the illogical ravings of a crazed priestess that bases her decisions on getting revenge on whichever person/organization last kidnapped/beat up her boyfriend. If you wish to find fault with anyone for abandoning your people in a time of need, Tyrande was the one to leave Darnassus in the hands of her enemies in order to gather up Malfurion and run…to Stormwind no less, instead of a Night Elf stronghold or city.


Nelves are by designed to be tragic. Their ancient empire is gone, their queen betrayed them, their ancient spiritualism is fading… it’s almost like they’re conventionally themed based specifically on Tolkien’s Elves.

And yet they get the most content over any other elf or most non-orcs and non-humans but still complain about. Nelves are fine but I want you to realize that they get a huge amount of attention and plot and aren’t actually going anywhere.


It’s funny hearing night elves complain when other races like gnomes get treated worse and yet none of them say a single word.

Gnomes Capital blew up at the start of the game, and yet they haven’t gotten any major stories since bfa.


Right? And Dwarves get almost no love.

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This is valid, but on the other hand at least gnomes got their capital back lorewise just before Cata. Teldrassil getting burned and the nelves all washing windows in SW leaves a bad taste in their mouths.

I bet that it sets up a major story thing for the next expac. Its too big a hanging thread to do nothing with.

Almost fooled me there :wink:

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/removes fake pointy ears



Breakaway faction of nelf and then Anduin sends assassins to bomb the inn they are holding out in, Tyrande escapes and builds a small army comprised of every sentient azerothian. They soon find Anduin has made the alliance purely Human and that he has poisoned the great sea with cthun’s heart.
The world’s forces must then band together to attack Stormwind and defeat Anduin. Like a- uh… uh… Siege of Stormwind
World of Warcreft: Mists- oops Beta of Azeroth patch 8.3 Siege of Stormwind

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Even before Garrosh or dead waifu, the Horb’s been hungry for lumber. Grom had such raging wood over wood that he put an axe in Cenarius’s face over it. Green Jesus could tell the orcs to behave till he ran out of breath and keeled over and as soon as his lights were out they’d be marching back up to Ashenvale to get wood.

One way or another night elves would’ve been pushed into the Alliance. If they weren’t part of it to begin with, they would’ve been offered Alliance aid in fighting off the lumber-lusting savages.

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The Alliance can burn. I want out. And I want to be compensated for the tree.

Imagine trying to find sense in WoW story.

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At least we got 2 week’s peace before she started up another one of these threads.

This guy here knows the solution for all the Night Elf problems.

(Disclaimer: All Night Elf corpses from now on belong the the Ebon Blade, not Elune :grin:)

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Blaming the Alliance (as if they were real people) for poor writing instead of the actual writers.

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them being playable may have been the mistake. high elves could have taken their place, while ogres could have been the horde race for bc.

nelves certainly do not fit in the horde.

You’re 20 years old, Lunnaya. You don’t even know yourself yet. You surely don’t know beings that are thousands of years old or their motivations.

What is it with you and your need to post stuff like this? I get that your life is going like crap right now. But you could be doing much more constructive things than posts like this.

Go write a blog.

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Oh please, I’ve tried being constructive, go to school, but I’m a worthless waste of space who can’t pay for school

Yes, so definitely come to the WoW forum and meltdown every chance you get. That will surely improve things.

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Nope, i’ll just draw and write until if/when life hits me