#ChangeMyMind, Night elves should have been horde originally

Is it just me, or should have night elves originally been added to the horde, while blood elves, and undead should have went alliance.

The foundation to this, is Night elves were originally Dark Trolls, and the horde has already allied with several troll tribes. Blood/High elves honestly should have been kept on alliance.

If I could have made one change to the story I would have retconned this. It would still keep the burning of darnassus in the lore as undead would still have burned it down. Maybe humans should have accepted their dead loved ones, who knows where the story could have went if the humans didn’t try to destroy them.


Chopping down their sacred trees and killing their demigod was probably not the best tactic to win them over.


NEs don’t really like to accept this fact the same way most Draenei don’t like to consider themselves Eredar. Even if they did, they haven’t been trolls for thousands of years. They’re no more trolls than humans are metal Vrykul.

As an amusing side note, going by the quest “Trolling Them” in Suramar that had you removing the taunting toys from the Elves’ camps (right before they entered the city), BEs are perfectly willing to accept that they’re descended from trolls as long as they can annoy NEs with it.

That aside:



Things that were in direct opposition to their interests occurred.

Was going to be no way to bring them into the fold.

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Maybe orcs could have treated them differently and come to an agreement to not cut down their trees, they would exchange wood for other resources. Just like the humans trying to destroy the undead, in another timeline or story, the orcs and night elves could have had a different storyline take place.

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To be fair, in WC3, the Night Elves attacked first. The Orcs were doing something that was otherwise an innocent act - cutting down trees in a forest to build a camp. Tyrande overreacted. She could have easily sent an envoy and at least tried diplomacy first, then, PERHAPS, a fight could have been avoided. Grom had the ability to rationalize and think with his brain instead of his axe.

Hell, the Orcs probably could have been reasoned with to the point of “Okay, take this patch of woods to build your dwellings but you leave the rest alone.” and then after establishing some contact and border alliance, this whole conquering could have been avoided. At least when Thrall was warchief, and building off of what had to be established relationships with the Tauren already.

The whole deforestation didn’t occur until Garrosh’s war machine picked up. The Night Elves really blew their chance by not befriending the Orcs, who before that they had no problems with.


Night Elves are pretentious. They fit in perfect with the pretentious Alliance.


Imho NEs could have gone either way in Vanilla. If I remember correctly Thrall was not behind any of the WC3 Horde aggression against the NEs, and the NEs had a peaceful history with the Tauren. If they went Horde I would expect Alliance to have High Elves as a Vanilla race, and Forsaken would have become the Horde’s BC race.

The problem is this would have left Alliance with no viable Druid race until Cataclysm unless they decided to retcon High Elves as still having a group of druids among their ranks.

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At worst I would say they could have been neutral (but leaning toward Alliance).

(And Forsaken could have been neutral (leaning toward Hostile in general)).

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Grom had the ability to but not necessarily the desire, especially since he was pretty bitter about being left out of the fun. Thrall sent the Warsong to cut lumber essentially as a punishment for being too aggressive and attacking the humans.

That aside, Grom and the Warsong were really known for two things: being stubborn and their bloodlust. The only way she could’ve gotten any concession out of Grom would’ve been to give him so much lumber that he couldn’t pretend he needed more.

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Is this some sort of new movement? Since when do we have to try to change some anonymous person’s mind about anything on the internet?

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It’s a meme. I don’t recall what the original topic was but it started with a picture of some guy sitting at a table in a public place with a sign that took a stance and ended with “change my mind”.


Yep, I was referencing this meme from reddit lol.

Honestly druids probably should have been the horde race for vanilla, and paladins remain same for alliance. Shamans I feel is neutral for both factions. Night elves siding with tauren and therefore horde, makes more sense than taurens inviting the undead to the horde for some weird reason. Undead should have been a third faction or part of the alliance honestly.


But Grom was also tactically sound enough to know better than to pick a fight with an unknown enemy in the middle of their back yard. And as lore goes, Grom and his clan got it handed to them so hard by the NEs that they had to turn to demon blood.

So in an alternate universe where the Night Elves had emerged and tried to negotiate, with the very obvious notion that overwhelming force via demi god and immortal elf warriors was the alternative, I think Grom would have sided on reason, at least until Thrall and Cairne showed up again, at which point they would have gladly steered things away from a fight.

I don’t know when NE’s were added to WoW.

When the game began, I think it was Humans, Dwarves, Orcs and another race.
So just 4 to begin with.

They probably gave NEs to the alliance because orcs were chopping down all their trees, a story vehicle to promote hostility and live up to the Warcraft name.

Whether or not he knew it was probably a bad idea was clearly irrelevant. He knew he was picking a fight with savage warriors when he pursued war with the NEs. His first reaction to fighting them wasn’t “crap, we’ve going to have to be careful”. It was basically “hell yeah, these elves are so much more fun to fight that the last ones”.

Grom has never been one to make the wise decision. The Warsong didn’t just drink Mannoroth’s blood willingly; they forced their way to the head of the line. Grom was literally the first Orc to drink the demon’s blood (which makes his killing Mannoroth even more poetic, now that I think about it).

To sum up both points, he wasn’t unintelligent. He was just reckless and bloodthirsty, and always had been. Hell, he was so aggressive and difficult that Gul’dan and company intentionally kept the Warsong out of the first invasion of Azeroth.

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Not quite. At launch of Vanilla WoW, it looked like this:

Horde: Orcs, Tauren, Trolls, Undead

Alliance: Humans, Dwarves, Gnomes, Night Elves

This is absolutely true, but at that point, his choices were to either fight or run away. And nobody here will argue that Grom would ever run. But if Grom had been approached and allowed to determine that his choices were 1) Play nice for awhile or 2) Fight an insanely uphill-battle against a bunch of unknowns, I think he would have chosen to delay the fighting at least until he knew more about what he was up against. But since he was attacked first, it was party time. At least until he started losing. It is very easy to justify a fight when you were attacked first. Tyrande was the control factor and she reacted as aggressively as Grom would have. She could have changed the entire course of events if that one moment had gone differently.

Of course this is really all on the writers who control the characters, but this is fun stuff.


Vanilla started with:


  1. Human
  2. Dwarf
  3. Gnome
  4. Night Elf


  1. Orc
  2. Tauren
  3. Troll
  4. Undead

Beat me to it :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Militant tree-huggers, shacking up with mass deforesters. That sounds plausible.

If you think about it, lumber is just domesticated trees.

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