Night elves are still homeless Blizz

The Goblin district that they decided to plant a giant freaking embassy in the middle of? Yea… I’m sure the NE’s would love getting some random buildings just being dumped in their new home.

For sure that building is an eyesore in org. Not sure why they pit it there.

It is from resentment of the past, new wars are to born.
Let the stump go…just let it go…

Whoever it was, they sure didn’t ask us about it. It’s so damn in the way… just wanna set the entire building on fire.

umm…we did. the embassy is by our place too.

And they stick all the portals for VE and LFD their. When the VE’s go crazy we will be the first to die lol.

Orgrimmar they are at least nice enough to put this some racial portals out by the gate to the compound. And you all don’t have to worry about void incursions. I mean if the nightborne decide to start a mutiny to enforce their will you can defeat them by distraction as they come out the portal.

You can just offer them a bottle of wine…mutiny over.

Worgen, Gnomes and Goblins are also homeless. The Blizzard department of homeless affairs has a lot on their plate.

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In the defense of the Goblins, at least they left the oily diseased fish pond in tact. :wink:

What about us Goblins? Our home was destroyed by Deathwing. Thrall then created a slum for us to live in, and then they tore that down and built an Embassy. Now we don’t even have the slum.

Lawl really?? Undercity is beyond Febreeze on how bad it stinks. They got green rivers of molten rot in there and it is glowing.

We are? When did that happen? This is news to me.

Of course, the oily fish pond is a feature! The oil makes the fish swim faster because of uh… something something water/oil surface tension. Yea!

And this is why they should just hire us to build everything. We don’t make such silly design decisions.

I’m going to have to ask you to hand over your Goblin Club Card if you don’t even know our Capital City. That’s just shameful. Come on, hand it over.

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Got Bilgewater Harbor just northeast from Orgrimmar.

SEE, even a freaking Panda knows our Capital City. The fact a fellow Goblin doesn’t know is just downright upsetting!

Horde will be homeless eventually. See how it never occurs to the Horde how the Ravine was formed.

And i’m not Horde. I’m a ally Panda. And that I know that makes you more disappointed at your fellow Gobbo’s.

We sure don’t demand the Club Card from people we are pleased with, let me tell you.

I keep telling the night elves to grow a new tree but it falls on deaf ears.

Put a shack on top a mail box seems like that were you find most of them.

Why not move to Nordrassil? Seems perfect really.

Wait, so any nation we don’t trade with risks a war? God we are so screwed! The fact is right now the NE would be dedicating all their resources into rebuilding and repairing the damage the Horde caused. Maybe once their needs are taken care of they would consider opening trade.

Because we lack the Dragon Flights to ensure it won’t fallen victim to corruption, like the rest that have been grown without that blessing.