Night elves are still homeless Blizz

There is a couple abandoned huts in westfall that can be ready to be moved into. Why not the Night Elves make Westfall a home?

On a planet that had more than 2 factions, I’d say your argument is valid. However on this planet, Azeroth… there are only 2 factions, and one of them is starved for resources. I mean, I get your feelings, but with the state of both factions plus everything else going on… not trading will only result in problems. Trading would solve nearly all the problems. That is just the reality of the situation.

Don’t lose hope. We do not know what the future brings. This would be wonderful.

I do hope sometime soon they update older parts of the game and them changing leveling to be time walking essentially gives me the hope they might update the world soon.

Except you are forgetting one thing, you signed peace accord and attacking the NE because they refused trade would play completely into the speech Tryande gave about how the Horde would ignore that peace of paper the second it would benefit them.

It would restart the war and bring the Alliance to the aid of the NEs.

Yep, they took away our strongest dragon backer in Legion. And her replacement needs just a bit more experience.

Westfall has farmland and plunty of room for housing. I don’t see why night elves have to remain homeless. Westfall just needs alittle TLC and its ready to be moved into. Alittle dry just needs alittle water to get the crops going but a decent chunk of land could make a good resident community.

A piece of paper isn’t going to matter much to a starving population. It may work for a time, but people will get more desperate the longer it drags on. If Tyrande wants to use that as proof of how evil the Horde is… so be it. I’d say that makes her just as much of a monster as Sylvanas.

So in other words she is right, the second the Horde sees an opportunity to justify their military actions they will break the cease fire their agreed to. There is no chance in hell the NEs would trade with the Horde at this point in time. Their own people need those resources. Maybe once we are back up on our own two feet we could consider it but given the fact the Horde just invaded the NE lands, slaughtered ton of civilians, forced some of them into undeath and burned down the world tree. I wouldn’t count on it being any time soon.

I agree if that was the case we probably would see war break out again but it was only server to enhance the position Tryande and Genn have in regards to the horde. And this time it would be hard for any of the Alliance leaders to disagree.

Plus you act like you don’t have other allies with sources of lumber or food sources. Just because we are you neighbor doesn’t mean we have to be friends.

People have been known to eat there own shoes when starvation hits. Hunger is the biggest monster to be honest.You can get so hungry you would think the dirt your walking on tastes good.

we just have to watch out for humans stealing our shoes and boots.

and if we start to shoot them for this…then we’d be the bad guys here.

See westfall at least shows the human run alliance is not racist. they treat their own people like crap too. They aren’t prejudiced. they are just inept when it comes to running a government.

I mean how much money want to the Varian statue? Money that could have gone to westfall……

This honestly amazes me a little. Tyrande would use the justification that the children and innocents of the Horde all deserve to die off, because of the actions of the few, and not being willing to let them die off is proof of how evil the Horde is. The night elves are a bloodthirsty, cold, psychotic murder machine… just… like… Sylvanas.

It really is. The fact that Night Elves support people living like that is all the justification needed that they are NOT a good people that give a flying flip about anything other than themselves.

Remind me again what the justification was for burning down the world tree filled with women and children was again? Oh right… that doesn’t count!

That statue coulda fed and clothed a good lot of homeless folk maby built a couple of them homes.

Westfall should be residential farm land off wing on Stormwind itself. I would think it be time for Stormwind to expand itself to take in the extra people getting homeless.

I’d like to see them build that place back up again though. All the areas that are still burned away that didn’t come back even after earning rep there. It’s a beautiful area. The tree is also gone in Val’Sharah or I’d suggest that. Nordrassil is the only one left now.

May I represent…

Merithra of the Dream, daughter of Ysera


Yeah, I’m sorry. I wish they had done better for you all. But I also fear it’ll be like other destroyed areas, and stay that way until another story comes along for it to need to be changed.

No because our leadership is full of morons in chief like Anduin the clown.

Everything is forgiven now that Sylvanas has left and we are all one big happy family because you know Sylvanas did everything by herself and why would Anduin ever hold the Horde to any standard…his father didn’t.

Anduin is such a turd when his new BFF Saurfang tried to tell him how bad the Horde really was, he brought up things that PALE IN COMPARISON THAT HAPPENED DECADES AGO and his new friend bslapped him for his stupidity as if they even came close to comparison.

Anduin is an absolute complete and utter failure and just like his father i want Blizzard to implement a choice where i can murder him to avenge his own people for his complete and traitorous actions where he used his soldiers to help Saurfang but refused to help Tyrande and his staunchest allies. I hope Tyrande bslaps him to for his stupidity and “peace at all costs” initiative where it’s ok that his people get slaughtered as long as he has a piece of paper at the end that says peace on it.

Because Sylvanas was a monster. I don’t have a problem saying that either. You are just suggesting things that sound a lot like her. I mean, it’s like nobody wants to learn from the past.

It’s funny, there is the quote “Those that don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” I’d like to change that quote to “Those that learn from history, are powerless to stop a repeat of it.” based on our conversation. I mean, I’m suggesting a change. The 2 factions work together to improve their situation and recover. You are saying no, let people starve. History is doomed to repeat.

I’d rather we build our own… don’t need a stack of poorly shaped rocks, mud mortar and spikes.

Need that vibrant night elf feel, with a few orc heads on a pike near the entrance. :smirk:


Why, because I say the NEs would be rather unlikely trading partners? I mean let’s be realistic, the Horde just invaded their lands, destroyed most of their settlements and killed thousands of them. Would you be willing to open trade with that? Honestly?

And again, why wouldn’t the Orcs look to their allies for their needs instead of starting yet another war? You act like the only food sources or trees to lumber are within the NE lands. I seem to remember plenty of them in the NB and HM lands. And the bonus, you don’t have to fight them for those resources.

Perhaps I should for a seat on that council :slight_smile:

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