Night elves are still homeless Blizz

An attempt of this nature would be compelling to see in-game.

Forsaken are still homeless. shouldnt the alliance be destroyed by now blizz?

Um, we booted out all the people that revealed in what happened. They are lead around in chain-gangs. Thus you are demanding reparations from people that actually sympathize with you. While that may or may not work, it seems a pretty unfair redirection from who is actually responsible for the destruction of your tree house. Demanding things from innocent people isn’t how you mend the wounds of war. It’s how you start another war. Considering other responses… I can only conclude that IS what you want. More war, an endless faction conflict because both sides just take out their anger on people that didn’t want to be involved.

Maybe they outta come to Austin. :roll_eyes:

Sadly, they fail at such things in game these days.


How about the alliance take responsibility for all the wagons and pain suffered by Vulpera when they attacked us .

Technically you got Mechagon recently.

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Which is a neutral location and not just a place for night elves.
Horde druids and other horde peoples continue to enter the site, as it is a multi-faction zone like Dalaran.

Night elves remain without a home of their own, unless someone finds normal humans walking within cities of the horde as much as members of the horde walking in cities of the alliance, which the horde has not yet destroyed.

Like many things that ally achieved in bfa, it is only to exist as a canonical fact and not in the game.

This could actually turn into a legit point of thorniness. Tyrande moves the NE’s into Nord, kicks out all the Horde Druids that probably wouldn’t have had anything to do with Teld or the war. Horde druids get upset, and weeeeeeeeeeee, like a house of cards, it all comes tumbling down.

These are work risks that you vulpes decided to take on, by helping a destructive force that threatened the continuity of the alliance’s lives.

They refused to heed our warnings not to proceed, so, unfortunately, we had to punish their lack of vision in helping those who sought our destruction.
Assume that they took action that involved reprisals.

To be fair, they did it to themselves in a spiteful maneuver during the Alliance’s retaliation for taking away the NE and Worgen home tree. The fact so many members of the Horde seemed pretty okay with THEIR OWN GUYS BEING KILLED AS COLLATERAL is pretty suspect too. Like dudes… chaotic evil much?

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hear me out. if jaina didnt show up… ez party wipe. no question.

Tyrande? Perhaps it would be more viable if it were Malfurion to ban any presence of the horde of the place, but certainly Cenarius would say not to do such a disproportionate act because of a tree.

And nothing will change. Devs find it normal that the Horde never reap any negative effects on anything they do.
Not even to receive verbal censorship from the wild gods.

I was hoping, instead of our anime approach to expansions of fighting Death and then probably God, that we would get a rebuilt world… but perhaps after Shadowlands we could get a timeskip or something.

Westfall full of Pandaren farmers and their Night Elf Druid allies, that useless building near the Embassy with bad lighting as a new tree of Gilneas…

Perhaps even reclaiming Glineas…

All a dream.


The horde offered us work I didn’t see any counter offers from alliance to not work.

I’d prefer a new nightelf home within the Eastern Kingdoms and a new forsaken home within Kalimdor.

Give up mage. Give up.

Actually, I would say Malfurion doing it would be an even bigger betrayal for Horde Druids if you think about it.

I think its more this is the one of the viable consistents way to make the medal for the medal vendor. So darkshore (and arathi) will forever be jacked up.

we only get medals from this as first warfront of the cycle, the darkshore/arathi WQ’s and paragons.

Now they could just fix this and give new ways to get these and boost the current. You know like have each WF give the medals. this would be real nice. like 5 medals a day is just…bad. Especially when your goal is the 750 cat mount.

But this is the new blizzard…we know that won’t happen. New players in 9 and 10 will need this for their 5 medals a day too. we all grind. New player. And old.

But…I will get that 750 cat mount so I just carry on. And be as salty in RL as my night elf is in game life running this daily lol.

They should make a nice NELF zone in SW like the goblin district in org.