Night elves are still homeless Blizz

Our Little Gnome brothers/sisters should have our 100% support and should always be greatly appreciated!!


Nope. We don’t work for weaklings. stormwind is next!

We will gladly do that as soon as you all get to work on rebuilding undercity.

A fair Trade

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Wasn’t there dialog unearthed by WoWhead that said that Tyrande is taking Nelves back to Nordrassil?

More things to burn, cool.
I like burning things

I mean, we COULD build a new one.

The question you have to ask yourself is, do you want the HORDE to build it? because it will probably end up looking like crud.

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Pretty sure lore wise they live in dark shore now since they won it back from the Horde.

Teldrassil didn’t even exist until after the events of Warcraft 3. For a race that lives for thousands of years you’ve all lived in Nordrassil for a relatively tiny amount of time. Just go back to Ashenvale…oh wait, Horde currently owns that too. Man, the Night Elves have had it rough this expansion.

The Alliance won the war of thorns though. Night Elves currently live in Ashenvale/Darkshore right now.

Um… Nordrassil existed before WC3. Like… way before WC3. Are you getting your world trees mixed up?

Yes. The dialogue implies that the Army of the Black Moon, at the very least, has been operating out of Hyjal or is moving to Hyjal.


Yeah, I meant Teldrassil, not the world tree in Hyjal.

Ummm… Yeah, not going to happen. Considering what the Horde just did to the NEs, there is no way now that they have “official” won the Battle of Darkshore and driven the Horde out of their lands would they now want to discuss trade agreements with them.

What’s being represented in game is the Darkshore still being attacked. I think they are worried that it’ll end up like other parts of the game. Where things happen in lore but isn’t reflected anywhere physically.

The dialogue you were referring to is this:

8.3 Spoiler: Tyrande Gossip Text

Tyrande: I will tarry no longer in this city of men. Let us leave for the boughs of Nordrassil.

Tyrande: From there we will dispatch the Sentinels to every corner of Azeroth. Let no one rest until the Banshee is found!

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Then you desire MORE war, fights over resources, and death. Excellent plan, fantastic, couldn’t think of a better plan myself.

There’s a portal directly from Exodar to Stormwind tucked away in the left side of Exodar’s Vault of Lights.

The Horde diving into trade agreements when the leaders of the kaldorei are still very upset, and unwilling to cooperate with the Armistice probably isn’t ideal. Especially when the Gilneans more or less support Tyrande’s claims.

Not to mention the Horde (military forces) as a whole has failed to take responsibility for their role in what happened at Teldrassil, and failed to offer reparations… :sweat:

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I’d be all for it. Let’s start giving the factions more reasons to work together. I mean, we do already. How fascinating would it be to see the Horde Council open up negotiations with the Nelfs and the Circle to try to fix things for everyone? I’d love to see some of those conversations and how the tensions would go.


Are you folks hippies anyway?