Night elves are still homeless Blizz

I would fill in the small lakes around Astranaar and rebuild in that area. It is probably the largest area with suitable land that hasn’t be rendered useless by the events of Cata. Plus you would have the advantage of two mountain range protecting it’s flanks. Then rebuild Silverwind Refuge into a garrison to protect the frontal approach, another garrison to secure that mountain pass the Horde used to get behind our lines. Plus a couple of forward forts to keep on eye on the borders with the Barrens.

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:thinking: So something like this?

Art by Aobo Wang


Yes! Where did you find that?

I follow the artist on art station :smiley:

Yeah, I just noticed the link. That guy has some amazing stuff on his page.

I’m partial to the Darkshore/Auberdine revamp concept he did.


Gnomeran Gilneas, Theramore and now, Darnassus.
All of this is to awaken the pride and self pride of the Alliance.
This all adds up to all of our canonical victories that we see reflected in the game and that serve to prove the strength and capacity of ally and her people.

Have Mercy

I play both Horde and Alliance. I also read the lore for stories I write to make sure I’m not making stuff up. Hehe.

I try to know as much as I can about all races. :slightly_smiling_face:

Though I admit, I’m getting old and senile and forget stuff. LOL


Double Agents are Best Agents

I feel this so hard.

Everytime I go to a NE anything, or see art like this, I get more pissed off that Sylvanas ordered that tree burning. I mean come on, NE forests are some of the best forests out there, why would you cut them down? I mean, I totally get the Horde requires resources… but can’t our druids do some magic that just super fast regrows some trees in a specific area or something? I mean, I know druids can do that. Maybe it’s too logical and thus Blizz is allergic to logic or something.


" wisps are capable of animating various trees and expanding themselves into rough-hewn structures of living wood and stone. In Warcraft III , wisps can gather resources for night elf forces without destroying trees and have the power to detonate, causing a backlash of mana."

So if the Horde really needed building materials. We could have easily helped them out and it wouldn’t have required them to cut down any trees at all.


You could have… but you didn’t. When the orcs started to gather wood and didn’t know about the nature of the forest… you just started slaughtering them even though they were ignorant. If you open a dialog with fighting… well expect people to defend themselves. Ya’ll kinda set the tone with the Horde as barberic murderers on your own. Considering the Orcish love of fighting, I would say your opening move was a rather poor one.

I have long held that the NEs over reacted to finding Orcs lumbering in their lands. That said, if I caught you in my backyard cutting down a tree I probably wouldn’t be too friendly either. And I don’t consider them sacred :slight_smile:

  1. NE are making a land claim 46987346x bigger than your back yard, which no clear signs at the border that a people that wish to remain hidden are… hidden in there.
  2. Even if I was chopping down a tree in your backyard, do you feel murder is an appropriate response?

The Night Elves slaughtered Orcs who simply didn’t know about the implications of that forest. That set the ENTIRE tone of your interactions with them from then on. In this, the fault lays squarely at the Night Elves feet. If I’m cutting down a tree at the edge of a forest to set up a house, and ya’ll just started slaughtering my friends, I’d be lobbing rockets your way as well, and you would deserve every one of them thank you very much.


You just described an impossible tree that a fantasy race was living on. Yet it being set a blaze is impossible.

I’m not saying they did a great job explaining how it was set on fire but it wouldn’t be impossible for something in a fantasy world do something fantastical. They just shouldn’t have used catapults off the shore.

Don’t know about you but I have a pad in dreamgrove

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Ahahahaha, yea that ain’t no capital of anything.

And they will continue to remain homeless until we get a patch in where there’s some kind of development involving their home situation.

I get it Mistlight, it’s one of your threads. But you can use some logic and recognize that a patch cycle is the only point in which the night elf story will change and a major world update will take place involving their living conditions.

No, that’s just a small outpost we established to deal with Thermaplugg and his goons.

Technically, by lore anyway, most of Gnomeregan has been retaken, only the very lower levels are still radiated. For whatever reason Blizzard has refused to show this change in game, even with the phasing technology.

Gnomeregan has more or less be inhabitable since the start of TBC, Blizzard just hasn’t bothered with it.


The Cenarion Circle was trying to negotiate something like that in Cata, but a bunch of a-holes jumped them and murdered all of them, thus ruining any sort of relationship we could’ve had there.

Considering the state of both factions now, this sounds like the perfect time to re-open those negotiations. Hell I’ll do it, and the Alliance would probably be fairly open to a fanatical Light person negotiating for the Horde. Come on Blizz, make a Bipzi NPC and I’ll make an agreement that both sides would be only marginally happy with! Why marginal? Well any good negotiation involves compromise.