Night elves are still homeless Blizz

Sorry, the social services budget for the homeless has been slashed. Tell the nelfs to start a GoFundMe.


I thought that Deathwing set it off on accident?

So are the Gnomes, the Worgen, the Goblins, and the undead.

Back in line queue jumper.

Umm… Dream was cleansed. Remember we did that in Legion? And once blessed, that tree was protected so that it couldn’t fall to corruption. That’s why Hyjal was never corrupted. And the Nightmare never took over the entire Dream.

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Off-topic, but I’m so glad to see you are a night elf again. Elune be praised! :bow_and_arrow: :crescent_moon:

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That’s what I thought too.

Must’ve been the plot armo- I mean the Jailer powers. Sylvanas must’ve guided the catapults that should have NEVER been able to physically even remotely hit the tree in the first place with her Jailer powas then she also made the tree flammable with em! Duh!


How now, that isn’t fair! It wasn’t active until Deathwing spit in it! Can’t we all agree that Deathwing was a massive jerk while being an Old God puppet? We still made the best out of a bad situation, even with a horrible leader like Gallywix.


If they would’ve just had Azerite bombs flown into it, that would’ve made more sense. And it also would’ve furthered the Azerite plot. But apparently that was too smart to do.


Gallywix? Wasn’t he mining Azerite in that active volcano long before the Wound and events of Legion?

You should’ve thought about that before denying the Horde valuable resources. Now Kalimdor belongs to the Horde.

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I believe the passages from the Elegy and “A Good War” (:face_vomiting:) short stories implied that it was arcane fire. And we knew that Teldrassil was stockpiled with Azerite for the Alliance as well. But you’re right, it could have been conveyed in better detail. It came across as very abrupt and clunky.

Um… I didn’t say that. I also explained Deathwing is who made it active. Like what even?

Deathwing? Hah! We all know the truth, Bipzi. It was YOU. YOU kicked a footbomb into the volcano and started the WHOLE thing.

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The Kal’dorei have quite a bit in common with the Tauren, their cultures value similar ideas and they already work side-by-side in the Cenarion Circle. I could imagine many Shu’halo were not happy with what Sylvanas did to Teldrassil and might be willing to lend the Nelves a hand in rebuilding. The two races have co-existed peacefully since before the War of the Ancients, only in recent horde history did things get iffy.

Why not have a show of solidarity by having the two help each other out?

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No it wasn’t. That was part of the lie Sylvanas made up to get a plan to march on Teldrassil.

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Loyalty or not… to think that listening to the advice of nuking your own city and then trying to pass that as a smart decision made because they didn’t want to bother the Alliance it’s a bit of a stretch.

You guys should try to go against the natural order again and plant another tree, maybe it won’t burn for a third time this time.

I can’t ensure it won’t be infested with eldritch abominations, again, though.

Sorry, idky the quote box defaulted it to you. :thinking: But that is a serious lore question regarding Gallywix. I thought it was mentioned in one of the short stories. And it was implied the volcano was active, but had not erupted. Deathwing 100% was the sole cause of the one eruption that forced the Goblins to abandon it :worried:

A “dormant volcano” is an active volcano that is not erupting, but supposed to erupt again

You build any home on any valcano and you get what you deserve.

How dare you! Such horrible slander! I’ll have you know I know several good attorneys! Prepare to be sued into oblivion for spreading such vile lies!

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