Night elves are still homeless Blizz

In all the time you’ve had, y’all chose to stay in Ironforge. Because you could’ve easily built yourselves a new place by now. You’re smart enough! :smiley:

Worgen were ousted and lived with the Nelfs. And now both are ousted and living on the streets of Stormwind. When they poured through that portal, they filled the entire city and spilled out into Elwynn all the way down to Goldshire.

So if y’all need a home so badly and are tired of sharing a huge city with just Dwarves… I propose building the Alliance another one and invite the Worgen and Nelfs!

We created a very dangerous environment now to breed disease with all of those people crammed into Stormwind. Let’s fix is with Gnome Power! :grin:


Prepares the thermo-nuclear explosive device.


Maybe NE should reconsider living in something flammable?

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I mean the orcs lost an entire planet due to space goat interference, where is their 40 acres and a mule?


It’ll probably take a couple of years realistically. A home for an entire race will take some time. Just look at us homeless worgens. We also just finished fighting the war, so yeah, I assume we won’t have homes maybe until 2 expansions from now. But you can live in your Garrison!!! :smiley:

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Sorry, but a tree the size of a small continent, with branches larger than some kingdoms, a trunk the size of a large island, sitting in the middle of the ocean, where that tree is constantly rained on… was never flammable. Blizz did a poor job with that.


Nope, not our fault that the alliance OSHA Requirements where non existent…I mean you guys lived in a huge tree on a island with no sprinkler system…

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And this is one reason out of several that I like Goblins more. Our home was literally destroyed by a Volcano! Did we whine about losing our home to a FREAKING VOLCANO? No, we deployed a city-in-a-box and damn well made a new home AND terraformed the land as tribute to the Horde! The Gnomes? They just sorta… whine while hoping another race saves them.

I mean, I love you my Gnomies but damn, when it comes to actually getting stuff done, we Goblins outdo you in freaking spades.


They have already forgotten that Teldrassil ever happened so…

Actually, it would be totally flammable if it was rotten on the inside.



Preformatted text[quote=“Grohrnurrohm-rexxar, post:50, topic:455059”]
Actually, it would be totally flammable if it was rotten on the inside.

The entire continent would’ve fallen out of the sky way before that. The tree was maintained by the druids. It wasn’t rotting.


That’s the benefit of not having to follow safety regulations or worry about worker rights.

You get stuff done!

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Ehh, I’m thinking termites and bore beetles.
Infested the tree.

That and the nightmare and the void infesting the dream which is where the tree and the druids draw their power.

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And who was the genius who decided to build a home on an active volcano?


Tree was cleansed. It was perfectly fine and in no danger after being blessed by the Aspects.

Bugs weren’t eating the tree. LOL

Honestly, we just need to move into Hyjal.

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Gazlowe would like a word with you. He pays well, he makes sure hazard pay is a thing, and he hates having workers kick the bucket. Did I mention he leads more than one town that he used the Steamweedle to build up from scratch?

Sorry, my point stands. You want stuff actually… completed? You hire Goblins, not Gnomes.

Believe it or not, I would WELCOME and be pleased to be proven wrong! I like gnomes after all. This is your chance! I’m just calling it like I see it.

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I thought it was dormant up until the Cataclysm?

Hey, how do you know there aren’t termites, them things are evil.

And no, the tree isn’t cleansed, not as long as it’s connected to the dream which is itself infected.

The cleansing you mention actually predates the burning and the weakening of the tree I’m theorizing.

I wasn’t disagreeing with you.

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Don’t worry. Baine is working on making Orgrimmar all comfy for you.