Night elves are still homeless Blizz

This is only partly true. I do think he has one very particular, good use to Goblin kind. He is fat enough that we can shove him in that massive canon, and then FIRE HIM STRAIGHT INTO SOME VOID LORDS FACE! With any luck, the resulting impact caused from his excessive mass would straight up obliterate both the Void God AND Gallywix.


The tree wasn’t rotting.

The tree was cleansed from corruption. And then blessed.

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The Undead are homeless too get over it.

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Too be fair, nobody cares about the Forsaken. Not even Sylvanas herself.

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Hey I follow you on ig :joy:

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Nightmare corruption within the Dream manifests in the real world as rot, and Teldrassil was full of it. It grew within the World Tree from the beginning, and was nurtured by Staghelm for years. What happened in Stormrage started the process. The quests we do as low level Night Elves post-Cataclysm are all about finishing the job.

A blessing isn’t going to back-fill the damage done. It had to heal, and was healing. Given enough time, Teldrassil could have healed itself completely, but it never got that time.

We are used to lose trees by now. That is the third.

They gotta make the game look populated by funneling everybody into Orgrimmar and Stormwind, never mind the fact that the most current areas pretty much always look plenty populated anyway.

THe ones open to labor for food and shelter and no payment, I can take to my garrison. lol

only becuz some nitwit put baine in the highchair

Nordrassil is a neutral area for both factions.
It would be definitely offensive for night elves to allow members of the Horde to roam in new Night elf capital. Certainly, the horde would be offended by an unjustified act if Tyrande or malfurion banned members of the horde from their new racial capital. But then, what hasn’t been done in an outrageous and disappointing way for the night elves and alliance in BfA?

But be realistic! Since when will Blizzard do anything to alleviate the feeling of defeat and ruin that the Horde’s actions caused ally?

Remember the discouragement at the embassy in Stormwind, after Anduin announced the ceasefire with the Horde? Hollow and cringe.
Each went to one side, wondering when the Horde drums will burst over the alliance again and what new alliance realm will be reduced to ashes.

The Alliance has achieved nothing. Even Gilneas cannot say that we recovered. So give up and stop imagining something positive for the alliance coming from the devs who planned BfA.

Night elves will have the same fate as the worgen, gnomes and High Elves who don’t go to Silvermoon to praise orcs and troll.

Live like exiles! The mighty alliance.

Have Mercy

You know we are growing Teldrassil back … dont you ?
And are even already pretty close to find out how.

Source? I mean, Blessing is magic. MAGIC. We don’t need your silly irl healing references around these parts.

It’s a combination of sources, from /say text from NPCs, quest text, item text, and the Stormrage book. I wish I could give you a single source, but WoW’s lore has never been that cut and dry.

Xavius started by manipulating Fandral Staghelm, his puppet, into planting a branch of Xavius’ own tree into the fledgling Teldrassil, ensuring that the new world tree would be corrupted from the start.

The home of the Night Elves was corrupted from the start, aided by unwitting adventurers and Fandral himself.

https ://

Shade of the Kaldorei says: Though a small corruption lingers, desperately longing to be cleansed, the boughs of Teldrassil itself seem changed. Growth has begun anew.

Growth has begun anew. Meaning that the tree is growing, and healing. What Malfurion did in the Stormrage book cleansed most, but not all of it.

“Bough of Corruption: As Malfurion tore the remains of Xavius from Teldrassil, a great weight was lifted from the dying world tree. One last remnant of Xavius remains to torment the night elf people, but Elune’s champion approaches to finally free the tree completely.”

Xavius’ Nightmare corruption is characterized by rot. We see it all throughout Taladrassil and Val’sharra.

Strangely, the growing corruption we’ve felt is actually a good sign. Teldrassil has been burdened with this taint for a long time, and thanks to the blessing of the dragon aspects, only now is it coming to the surface in a form that we might strike against.

The blessings didn’t heal the tree, they aided in purging the corruption from within, like a pus-filled infection coming to the surface. We destroy it and remove the bough that remains, but the damage is still down there.


Man, I wish other people that I request a source from gave such a detailed response. I asked, and you delivered exactly what I asked for… in spades. Sincerely thank you.


My favorite people of these forums are the role players who don’t even play the game.

Even better if they are still 355

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Put the night elves in Hyjal.
Put the gnomes in Mechagon until the cleanup finishes on Gnomeregan.
Put the worgen in Gilneas after cleanup.

Its on the committees table of suggestions but the counsel have yet to come to a consensus.

You’ll just have to make do with the squalor the Alliance provides you.

You live in the dirt, best not to sling mud.

Sand. Not dirt.