Night elves are still homeless Blizz

The cute nelf girls can live in my garrison. no one will burn it.

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Wouldn’t that have been Garrosh since he was active warchief when you joined? I haven’t done the goblin starting area in years, but I am pretty sure Thrall already “left” the Horde when you all find him.

Can we move the garrison to ashenvale?? :pray:

Garrosh sent them to the slums. Along with the TRolls. Because he would not tolerate their filthy in the throne room no longer.

Ashenvale now reeks Orc sweat. Unless you are a filthy traitor that is into it, I would not be there much. lol

Ashenvale does need a good cleansing, darn grifters came in and dirtied it up.

I have heard that some humans are orc lovers, so I think the boy king wont do much about that.

Most amusing thing I’ve been accused of all week.

That was like
 years ago. Again
 how do you not know your own capital city?

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I thought any tree could be a Night elf home, and there are plenty of trees on Azeroth
 no need to build anything.

How hard is it fly up in a tree and make nest that’s all your own.

I have my garrison. Some of us are rich, you know ? lol

Goblins would like to have a word with you.

Gaslowe is my friend, talk to him. LOL

What are you talking about, last I saw you guys had at least three tents.

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shouldn’t the alliance be making a new home for the Forsaken then?

also it takes a while for trees to grow, even more so for a tree big enough to house an entire nation. if you want the tree grown faster you should really speak to that night elf druid god malfurion whenever he wakes up from his nap

The druids maintained it so that it wouldn’t fall down. The rot and corruption inside Teldrassil was there for years.

We did a big quest line to purify the tree, but just like termite holes don’t automatically backfill when the nest is exterminated, the damage caused by the nightmare’s influence doesn’t fix itself overnight. The tree was healing.

Bipzi is one of the most vocal anti-Gallywix Goblins on the forum. This was hilarious to read, so thank you!


Well, we lost our city because you guys invaded it. Admittedly we blighted it but it was better than letting the alliance have it

You know that the night elven “leaders”, the night elven npcs, the night elven citizens and the night elven players are all different “peoples”.

The poor citizens of Darnassus are homeless in Boralus and Stormwind. The Npcs got to be on the garden and boralus. The players, we are rich adventurers, we are having it good.

The tree was just sentimental reasons when we were poor lvl 1 naive tree huggers.

Now we know better.

I think they had a fire too next to a crying NE child. The child was really ruining the mood though