Night elves are still homeless Blizz

I missed nothing. You take away the army, you take away the ability of a people to defend itself. Now you’ve got a bunch of innocent civilians unable to defend themselves AND they are starved for resources. You’re so concerned with actions, you don’t consider implications.

So like… you didn’t notice all the rebellion stuff before hand, and assaulting Org a second time? Wow, that’s some next level dense.

Yea, and I’m sure Baine is hanging around Anduin in SW to just gloat about how they are getting away with things scott-free. rolls eyes

To be fair, you started the mess with slaughtering the Orcs when you first met them. They didn’t know about the issues with that forest, and your opening hello was to pump them full of arrows. The orcs prooooobably don’t see the Night Elves as anybody you can reason with either because of that. They saw a people that liked to fight. To be honest, I don’t think they were wrong. Especially since the whole Night Warrior and boy does that look like the Void Tyrande doing Void Tyrande things.

I’d actually take that if the story went that route tbh. fight till one side no longer exists.

Not this “its for the navies! we need their ships!”

Umm, faction leader? you mean the 2 navies sitting at the bottom of the ocean?

And when was the last time we actually used a navy. On the ocean that is? Oh yeah that’s right. WoD. Assuming players actually reach tier 3 garrison. And grind this out. And then actually use it.

MoP, airships. Legion, airships. BFA, airships again. Okay…there was the alliance attack on ocean based ships for the vampire elf killing run. Alliance got out there on gryphons a noteworthy comment to make.

Faction leader we have more airmen than seamen…

Nobody cares.

Not unless Illidan reappears with new vials from the Well of Eternity…
Unless that was the other tree?
Night elves have too many big trees, tbh.

yeah but one of them is now a nightmare to handle…

I will see myself out…


Night Elves are never homeless as long as mailboxes exist :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I was wondering when someone would bring up a classic mailbox dancing joke :joy:

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Someone really wants a house made out of orc poop uh?

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I appreciate your opinions and interpretations regarding the lore. I do not believe they align with my own. I’m a little confused if you’re trying to RP though, with all the “you” sentence starters, or if you’re assuming my perspectives on my behalf, or if you think I’m trying to debate with you.

I’m not keen on the direction the conversation is steering, it’s reading as aggressive and less like a respectful discussion, so I’ll politely bow out for now.

For whatever it is worth, I also see and appreciate your opinions on this subject as well. It’s also naturally not a subject everyone will see eye to eye on.

Not going to go back and look over what I wrote, but just take this at face value. Yea I’m an RP’er, and sometimes some of that leaks over even when I don’t mean to be RPing. Apologies for any confusion there, it’s probably my fault.

I’ll be the first to tell you, if you feel I’m unfairly assuming something on your behalf, simply say so. This is actually a pet peeve of mine, since people assume what I think quite a bit… and are often very wrong.

To be fair, you responded enough times, and with enough details… that if you didn’t see that as a debate, then I am SUPER confused as to what you think what the above was.

For whatever this is worth, I wasn’t trying to sound aggressive, but annoyed. It’s also not even annoyance with you. It’s annoyance with Blizz for even creating this situation to begin with. I can’t even begin to tell you how many people I know Horde side that saw that tree burning and had a giant WTF going on, myself included. When it comes right down to it… I wouldn’t actually mind if Blizz decided to write the Horde as evil or noble savage. I just want them to freaking PICK ONE. Let, either make us evil jerks, or let us be reasonable/honourable, if a bit rough around edges people. Blizz has sold the players both viewpoints, but then saddle those of us that are the more noble liking with like… literal genocide out of nowhere. I mean what even Blizz? I thought we were done with this crap with Garrosh? Vol’jin had such potential, but then noooooo, kill him off and let the edgy Banshee Queen wreck house. In a weird way, I envy Alliance players. At least they don’t have all this weird civil war opps genocidelol!! going on with them.

It’s been a pleasure talking with you!


So look for a place with a lot of trees and make a new home. Try Hyjal or something idk

Given the Horde’s track record on building anything more complex than a hut with spikes, I’d like to respectively decline. No, Sin’dorei don’t count. Everything they build is unnatural and devoid of substance, just look at what they did to Eversong Woods!



Though, I would argue that a lot of the new architecture from Suramar would look perfect in Silvermoon City, recolored and retextured.

I feel the same way about Azsuna and Suramar (zone) night elf buildings. I’d love to see those beautiful assets re-purposed in future cities or settlements!

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You are probably one of Gallywix’s cronies. I and my friends came with Thrall to Orgrimmar and had to live in the goblin slums.

This made me actually laugh out loud…busted at work for Browsing the web :smiley:

Shouldn’t Horde Druids not be okay with the tree burning stuff? I imagine it like Fern Gully where tree killers are universally hated.

Aren’t goblins still effectively homeless as well? I know the slum area in orgrimmar is super hospitable :roll_eyes:

Also not sure how “home” works for like the Mag’hars either since time travel is stupid. Isn’t there a time gap for leaving or some bs?

That sounds more like goblin engineering to me :thinking:

Hi, unfortunately, the horde still owes the Worgen a new home. So you are on the wait list.

I also think so. Cataclysm messed stuff up.

Next we are going to fault people for building in a race track in the middle of a desert and didn’t get flood insurance.