Night elves are still homeless Blizz

You see, I wouldn’t even be wanting to negotiate with just the Night Elves. I’m talking both FACTIONS work together. This is what I’m talking about, you are making assumptions about intentions because you already think there is a set outcome.

I actually never said that. I think both factions putting all their resources together to rebuild is the way. Yes the NE’s would be a part of that, but they certainly wouldn’t be the only ones, and the Horde would work to better the Alliance as well.

You think the entirety of the Horde can be supported by 2 allies lands? That’s not realistic for the Horde anymore than it would be for the Alliance.

I don’t think somebody should be in a position of power, that can’t see the forest for the trees.

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Why would I? I burned it down for a reason you silly NElf.

You should make a go fund me page

Doing my part to clean up night elven homelessness.


The Horde? First off it was Sylvanas and only Sylvanas idea! I had no part in it! All I know is that Nathanos liked the idea and Gallywix didn’t care about it. I thought she was insane! Maybe have a word with the Gilneans! Let them pay you back!

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I mean yeah, even if Night elf druids can’t do it themselves they know fauns and what not like the one in mechagon who can regrow it for them provided anything is actually left to regrow from, though I suppose the real issue is trying to find enough Druids to do it without killing any of them from the strain.

A lot of people did and do. One of the more poignant examples for me was in fact… the Goblins. Want to use the Portal room? Nope, the head Goblin basicly told the ex-Sylvanas supporter to piss off for supporting her. Wanted to use the bank? The banker Goblins also said to piss off, because again, supported Sylvanas. EVEN THE AH GOBLINS, who get part of the listing fee was telling off ex-Sylvanas supporters. Morals before Gold, from Goblins! That should tell you just how hated she was. If the Goblins feel that way, how do you think the Tauren do? The Nightborne? The Highmountain? The list goes on.

The Alliance was way more support from the Horde than they even begin to realize, and they would flush that support down the toilet because of petty vengeance, when the person that was responsible for all this went and Team Rocketed away.

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Misty, you can come over and climb onto my mushroom tower.

I live in Zangarmarsh, so it might be kind of a journey, but come on over any time.

the horde has several druid capable races. As they cut down the druids grow.

Tree planting 101 is part of the druid college core courses.

Also incase you didn’t notice several horde races are not big wood users. Silvermoon and Suramar are big into ornate and finely chiseled stone. Why I wished elves led the horde. It finally be a capital city to be proud of really once moved there.

edit: and maybe its time for the orc to learn how to use stone too.

Not enough Febreze for that 8th ring Malebolge pit.

Nah Alliance is too busy retaking the Orcs home for the 35th time now. Also Anduin doesn’t really care about the other races in the Alliance.

A look of horror appears on Bipzi’s face
Why?!?!?! I mean, Elves have a reeeeeally bad habit of calling forth super evil powers to feed their addictions, or using enough power to make those things notice us. Elves shouldn’t be in charge of anything.

Huh wut?

I guess I don’t mind destroying a mud hut or two… but the orcs have not been victims since the internment camps…

true…but we bring the demons. Who are at least the universal enemy we all can agree upon are fun to kill and we don’t have regrets overs.

I am not counting Sylvanas. She is undead. She stopped being my blood elves ranger general long ago. Right at about the point she as a ranged dps decided to power slide into frostmourne.

Elf with bow shoots arrows. Not power slide into one of the most darkly powerful weapons to ever exist.

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Fun to kill? Sure. Should we be bringing them onto our front doorstep? NO

Still an elf.

He he… yea, she did do that. Still an elf.

Sylvanas shoots arrows… still an elf!

Disagreed, as an elf, she totally did the power slide. You may not like that, but it still happened.

You see? So quick to disassociate yourself from her, but you find fault with innocent Horde doing the same.

Hypocrite <3

If you ask Baine, the Tauren will help you. Taurens are very kind, unless angered.

I guess the proper term is saving? Alliance is too busy saving the Horde for the 35th time to deal with any other race in the Alliance that isn’t a Human.

Yeah we are it is called the after life

This is the problem I have with the leadership of the Alliance. Anduin is inexperienced, inept, and borderlining on treasonous… no, forget borderline, he is a traitor. He places the welfare of an enemy over the Alliance he ostensibly leads - a fact that is unquestioned by nearly every other leader, I might add. Far more experienced people choose to follow his lead, and anyone who dares oppose him - Tyrande, and most likely Greymane eventually - are labelled as villains, enemies of “unity”.

Meanwhile, the Horde did nothing to stop Sylvanas until they themselves were directly threatened. When did Thrall come back? When Sylvanas sent assassins to kill him (which somehow Saint Saurfang knew about, too). Otherwise he would have sat on his backside in Outland while Azeroth died. Baine, Lor’themar, all the rest of them just went “oh me, oh my” for most of the expansion.


You missed an important piece in my original post. “the Horde (military forces) as a whole…” =/= innocent civilians. I’m talking about the ones that actively played a role as grunt-soldiers committing genocide. And that the Horde has failed to attempt to make any amends by offering reasonable reparations. They have begun to imprison some of Sylvanas’s loyalists, but only after Sylvanas ragequit the faction herself :woman_shrugging:

It comes across like the militant Horde just sweeping their “mistake” under the rug. Not the kind of people you want to have diplomatic ties to, in this case.

Addendum: Plus, the night elves have tried thrice over now to establish peaceful correspondence and diplomacy with the Horde, only to have it thrown back in their faces each time :frowning: