Night Elves and Forsaken don't need new cities

No, she was just being impetuous. She never talked about them joining the Alliance.

She straight up told people that Parqual and his group was defecting and that they should to. Then she started to yell that everyone should make their way to Stromgarde Keep where Anduin will protect them.

In fact, when talking with one Forsaken she says “You’re a citizen of Lordaeron” and the Forsaken says “No I’m not, I’m a citizen of Undercity, I love the Dark Lady” and Calia says “but you were a citizen of Lordaeron once so come with me to the Alliance” and then that Forsaken said “No” and ran away (before getting shot by Sylvanas lmao)

Because it serves her purpose, her entire reasoning in the novel was explicitly that her family might be undead; she’s quite blatant about it.
As far as the living victims, that kind of gets solved if her ultimately selfish goals were met because her entire thing is bridging the gap between living and undead thus in her mind removing the chance of further conflict.

Which she apparently seeks to accomplish by straight up joining the undead and abandoning the living.

I guess it does make sense given that her goals are selfish, as you’ve pointed out. Now that she’s undead, the living are of no more use to her and she simply discarded them, much like her brother did.

Elsie, kinda important detail:

“I’m sorry, Your Majesty,” Elsie said. “I can’t betray my queen. Not even for you.” She turned and shouted, “Retreat! Retreat!”

Excerpt From: Christie Golden. “Before the Storm (World of Warcraft).”


“Her initial suspicion had evaporated quickly. If he had intended this defection, he would have planned better for it. No, Sylvanas placed the blame on the Menethil girl, as reckless and deceitful as her loathed brother. She had gulled both the king of Stormwind and the warchief of the Horde.”

Excerpt From: Christie Golden. “Before the Storm (World of Warcraft).”

Don’t worry, Ainhin Prestor. I think we will be seeing Calia really dead.

…And Sylvanas back ruling UC and driving you nuts!

The substance is still the same as what I’m getting at. When Calia said the “Forsaken are the true heirs of Lordaeron” line, that assertion came with the corollary assumption that the Forsaken would therefore follow Calia back to the Alliance.

No, they are not linked that way.

They are, by her actions. And when encouraging Forsaken to defect, she explicitly says “You were once a citizen of Lordaeron” as a prevailing reason for them to defect.

Chapter 24 to Anduin is the “true heirs” line.

It’s chapter 33 for the Gathering scene.

The thing you can say about it is it showed her ego and lack of care for her people. That’s totally there. A competent caring leader would have told them no, to be patient.
It was the Light and her Menethil ego that caused the events. Remember, she lied to Anduin about claiming power too (which she did in the scene).

If you’re looking for a ground to reject her that’s it. Bringing them into the Alliance was never in her power, nor discussed. A defection in this sense is not joining the Alliance.

I’m pretty sure this is one of the triggers for world war 3, or the coming of the Anti-christ or something like that. Or some Old God prophecy, that means they are going to devour everything.

Of course they don’t need new cities. No race needs new cities. Except Blood Elves. They need a revamped flying Silvermoon that serves as a faction hub for an expansion.

Anyone espousing that the races should not ALL be strong and culturally distinct and proud in some way is espousing the destruction of this game.

RACE. FACTION. CLASS. PROFESSIONS. preferably in that order.

What exactly do you call her saying “I am Calia Menethil, heir to the throne of Lordaeron. Lordaeron citizens, follow me to the Alliance stronghold, where we will be admitted a sheltered by the Alliance, including its High King” if not a defection to the Alliance?

A defection in this sense is absolutely joining the Alliance. Certainly that’s how absolutely everyone present interpreted it, including Anduin and Sylvanas. Anduin even rues the fact that he can’t respond to Sylvanas’ murder of Calia as an act of war, because Sylvanas had political cover due to Calia overtly trying to get Forsaken to defect to the Alliance which could be spun into Alliance aggression.

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“She smiled a touch ruefully. “Thank you, but I don’t consider myself a member of the Alliance. I’m a citizen of nowhere now except perhaps the Netherlight Temple,” she said.”

Excerpt From: Christie Golden. “Before the Storm (World of Warcraft).”

Yeah, that was a bunch of chapters before the gathering itself, where clearly she decided that she had an opportunity to commit to the Alliance and took it.

Motivations and beliefs can change with time, especially when exposed to new things, in this case Calia realizing that there were Forsaken who would follow her if she asked them to. At that moment she clearly considered herself part of the Alliance to the point where she started to speak on its behalf (even though she didn’t actually have the authority to do so)

Not her line in the book,
“You won’t have to live in the shadows anymore. Just-- please. Come walk with me. Parqual, the Felstones, all the others— see them? They’re defecting. Anduin will shelter and protect you all; I know he will!”
Technically she never stakes her claims to Lordaeron or it’s citizens in the Gathering scene, just tries to incite defection.

EDIT: Actually she does say 'Forsaken I am Calia Menethil! Head for the keep!" A few pages after.

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She publicly declares herself to be Calia Menethil and asks the Forsaken to follow her back to the Alliance. That’s why Sylvanas killed her in the first place. You’re right, she doesn’t explicitly say “heir to the throne of Lordaeron” but that goes without saying by the revelation that she’s Calia Menethil.

This is a weird tack you’re taking man, you feeling well?

I mean, you are arguing that the Forsaken are the people of Lordaeron.

Whatever it takes for you to face it, fine, fine.


Actually that happens at basically the same time, Calia yells that pretty much right as Elsie is shot by a Dark Ranger.
Sylvanas kills her for being on that field regardless of her intentions.

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idk why you guys bother.
ainhin is confirmation bias personified.

I stopped disputing their claim a while ago. It was actually BtS that convinced me that maybe peaceful co-existence between humans and forsaken is possible and it’s where I got my “shared Lordaeron” idea for the future.

There’s a really great scene in BtS between Alonsus Faol and Genn Greymane and Turalyon in the Cathedral of Light that really stuck with me because it felt like Genn and Turalyon were representative of my own sentiments at the time and Faol was calming those sentiments without invalidating them.

I genuinely like Faol even as undead and I’m glad that they haven’t ruined him yet by having him join the Horde too.

At this point it feels like my main job is reminding people that the Alliance has just as strong a claim to Lordaeron as the Forsaken do, not trying to convince people the Forsaken have no claim.

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